Vancouver Sun

Dog owners can miss signs of aggression

Many owners miss the warning signs that, if acted on, could prevent attacks -


It’s becoming a cliché, but many dog owners claim to be surprised when their dogs attack, especially when it results in severe injury. ‘Bully breeds’ like pit bulls and American bulldogs in particular are often portrayed in the media as unpredicta­ble loaded weapons that can go off without warning.

Some dog owners inadverten­tly fuel this perception. It’s not unusual to hear a distraught owner insist that their beloved family pet has never been aggressive before, and that an attack occurred out of the blue.

But, can this actually happen? Can the sweet family pet sud- denly erupt into an aggressive attack? Or, is there more to it?

There are, in reality, a range a medical problems that can cause the happy-go-lucky family pet to suddenly become aggressive. A dog that is injured, in extreme pain or neurologic­ally impaired (such as due to toxicity, seizures, or diseases of the central nervous system, like rabies), can experience sudden and intense outbursts of aggression. Yogi, the Richmond Rottweiler dog who bit a woman more than 100 times last December might have been an example of this. It was alleged that Yogi, portrayed by his owner as the archetypal family pet, had ingested recreation­al drugs that led to toxicity and hence a sudden surge of aggression. Although these situations are few and far between, it can and does happen.

But, unless there is an underlying medical cause, owners of these ‘misfiring dogs’ are either missing something, or not telling the whole truth.

Scienter law applies to dog attacks and an owner’s liability for their dog’s aggressive actions. In effect, if a dog has a history of aggression and bites again, the owner can potentiall­y be found negligent and liable for the physical and emotional damage caused. It’s not too far reaching to speculate that this provides impetus for owners to declare no prior knowledge of their dog’s aggressive­ness in the aftermath of an attack.

The misfiring dog argument not only seeks to evade civil legal repercussi­ons, but undoubtedl­y, it also saves face, avoiding owners the embarrassm­ent of admitting that they screwed up by failing to take the necessary precaution­s to avoid the same thing happening again.

But, not every owner is this dishonest, and in a vast number of cases, many people simply miss the warning signs that pre-empt an aggressive attack.

Some warning signs are more obvious than others, and some dogs are more stoic than others. But, anything that indicates that a dog is fearful, protective or assertive in social situations is a red flag, and should be investigat­ed.

Apart from the obviously overtly aggressive behaviours to watch for (growling, lunging and attempts to bite), other more subtle cues include — attempts to hide or get away from a stressful situation (the ‘flight’ reaction), stiffening (the ‘freeze’ reaction) and signs of a physiologi­cal stress response (including panting, trembling, flinching, startling, and heightened vigilance). A lack of loose, friendly behaviour, like a body wag, and spikes in arousal in the presence of people and other dogs can also be insightful.

If owners observe their dogs displaying any of these behaviours in social situations, they should be discussed with a veterinari­an or behaviouri­st swiftly. A management plan, focused on safety and rehabilita­tion should be put into action. In cases where successful rehabilita­tion is unlikely, it may be that restraint and muzzling is lifelong for the animal. Better for the owner to chose to do this before an attack, than for the courts to impose it afterwards.

Although large breeds are statistica­lly less likely to bite than small breeds, they can neverthele­ss cause significan­tly more damage when they do, and so it is argued that they need to be held to a higher standard. The current chatter among many profession­als in the animal field is whether or not owners of powerful breeds should be trained and licensed to handle such dogs, something like needing a special licence to drive a semi-truck. It’s breed-specific legislatio­n in its mildest form, but perhaps a humane and fair way forward.

There are, in reality, a range a medical problems that can cause the happy-go-lucky family pet to suddenly become aggressive.

Rebecca Ledger is an animal behaviour scientist, and sees cats and dogs with behaviour problems on veterinary referral across the Lower Mainland. Read her blog at vancouvers­

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Scienter law states that if a dog has a history of aggression and bites again, the owner can be found negligent and liable for the physical and emotional damage caused.
GETTY IMAGES Scienter law states that if a dog has a history of aggression and bites again, the owner can be found negligent and liable for the physical and emotional damage caused.
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