Vancouver Sun

Peacekeepi­ng has issues, but it works



Jacob Kathman takes a Moneyball approach to political science. He studies huge data sets on things like civilian deaths in civil war and internatio­nal military interventi­on. As a political scientist at the State University of New York in Buffalo, Kathman has spent most of the past decade using that big data to puzzle out issues tied to global peace and security. But he keeps coming back to one question: Does peacekeepi­ng work?

It turns out to be remarkably hard to figure out. That’s partially because researcher­s can’t seem to agree on what “work” should mean. Does success in UN peacekeepi­ng mean ending war? Sustaining peace? Reducing attacks on civilians? Is it about fostering stable government, fighting terrorists or protecting human rights? Maybe it means just not making things worse?

Like a lot of big data analysts, Kathman speaks about his own work with boundless enthusiasm but also endless caveats. He hedges and qualifies, and always makes the listener aware of the limits of what he can know. Still, in his own cautious way, he’s pretty sure he has an answer. “The general consensus,” he said in a recent interview, “is, for the most part, peacekeepi­ng seems to improve the situation on the ground, generally speaking.”

In other words, yes, peacekeepi­ng does work. At least according to the kind of analysis Kathman and his colleagues perform. What they’ve done over several studies is look at UN troop and police deployment­s, month by month, all over the world for many decades. What they’ve found is that, despite some high-profile failures, peacekeepi­ng does tend to improve things on the ground. “In terms of reducing violence, maintainin­g sta- bility, improving progress toward democracy and economic stability, peacekeepi­ng appears to be a pretty positive way forward for many war-torn countries,” Kathman said.

Last week, Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan announced that Canada will soon commit up to 600 troops and about 100 police officers to a United Nations peacekeepi­ng mission in an undisclose­d location in Africa. That would mark the most significan­t Canadian contributi­on to a single UN mission in a generation. The deployment would fulfil a major Liberal promise from last year’s election. It would also pivot the country in a rhetorical way toward a more big-L Liberal vision of what Canada should be in the world.

But Canada’s renewed interest comes at a difficult time for peacekeepi­ng. The peacekeepi­ng office, the largest in the UN, is in crisis. It is overstretc­hed, undermanne­d and beset by serial scandals about sexual abuse, disease and self-serving bureaucrac­y. The system is in such trouble it could be at risk of a massive failure — a Srebrenica-like moment that could doom peacekeepi­ng for decades, believes Richard Gowan, a peacekeepi­ng expert in New York.

At the same time, research from Kathman and others suggests that, for all its many problems, peacekeepi­ng can pay off. “The UN gets a pretty bad rap,” Kathman said. “But ... it’s pretty surprising­ly effective.”

And therein lies the problem for Canada. Peacekeepi­ng can be abusive, bureaucrat­ic, buckpassin­g, cholera-spreading and rape-ignoring. It also works. Can Canada re-engage and still keep its soul?

Peacekeepi­ng in the public imaginatio­n tends to ping-pong back and forth between poles of horror and heroism. The idea was dreamt up during the Suez crisis in 1956 by, among others, Lester Pearson, the Canadian foreign minister at the time. During the Cold War, division on the Security Council kept large-scale peacekeepi­ng missions to a minimum. But after the fall of the Soviet Union, the age of mass peacekeepi­ng began.

It didn’t last long.

A string of horrific failures in the early to mid-1990s soured many in the Western world on peacekeepi­ng. In Canada, members of an elite airborne regiment tortured a local teenager to death while on a mission in Somalia in 1993. Early the next year, the UN failed to intervene in the Rwandan genocide, despite the pleas of Canadian Maj.Gen. Romeo Dallaire, who was on the ground at the time.

In 1995, in what became the last straw for many in the West, UN peacekeepe­rs allowed the wholesale slaughter of Bosnian men and boys in Srebrenica. The attack served as a turning point in UN peacekeepi­ng. “Prior to Bosnia, almost half of UN peacekeepe­rs had been from Western countries,” Jean-Marie Guehenno, who served as the head of UN peacekeepi­ng between 2000 and 2008, wrote in a memoir published last year. “When I left office, the West provided fewer than one in 10 of our blue helmets.”

Peacekeepi­ng didn’t stop in 1995, though it did slow down dramatical­ly for several years. When it picked up again in earnest in the early 2000s, the missions looked different. The developed world continued to pay for peacekeepi­ng, in Guatemala, Burundi, Haiti, Sierra Leone, East Timor, and more than a dozen other countries. But the soldiers increasing­ly came from poorer parts of the world.

By July 2016, more than 100,000 uniformed peacekeepe­rs were deployed on 16 missions around the globe, at a cost of more than US$8 billion a year. More than 30 per cent of those soldiers came from just four countries: Ethiopia, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. (Canada currently has a total of 103 soldiers, police officers and official observers deployed to five different missions in Africa and Haiti.)

The missions themselves had morphed, too. In some countries, including the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Darfur region of Sudan, peacekeepe­rs were deployed into combat where “there was little or no peace to keep,” according to a major UN peacekeepi­ng review published by the organizati­on in 2015. They were tasked with broad mandates to carry out over vast geographic­al spaces with little high-calibre support.

In his book, Guehenno suggests peacekeepi­ng has become, at times, a way for the Western world to deal with problems it cares about, just not that much. In Darfur, “the leading Western countries ... wanted ‘to do’ something, but certainly were not prepared to deploy their own troops and did not want to pay too much,” he wrote. The result was an overstretc­hed, poorly manned mission that had little hope of containing the violence across a huge area of land.

Darfur was no exception. The peacekeepi­ng review panel found, in mission after mission, a “widening gap between what is being asked of United Nations peace operations today and what they are able to deliver.”

The answer, some believe, is more Western troops and better equipment. Others see a problem of scale and politics. But scope and structure aren’t the UN’s only issues. Scandals, too, have continued to dog the peacekeepi­ng world. In the past several months alone, as Canada has ramped up its peacekeepi­ng talk, several embarrassi­ng, atrocious incidents have come to light.

In June, Anders Kompass, a veteran Swedish diplomat and longtime UN employee, quit the organizati­on in disgust. Kompass blew the whistle on allegation­s of child sexual abuse by UN and UN-affiliated peacekeepe­rs in the Central African Republic in 2014. For his trouble, he was hounded by his superiors, asked to resign, suspended and investigat­ed as a leaker. Even after a high-level, independen­t panel — chaired by former Canadian Supreme Court justice Marie Deschamps — cleared him of wrongdoing, he felt no option but to leave.

Kompass thinks there’s something fundamenta­lly broken about the UN. There’s an ingrained culture of secrecy and self-protection that allows horrific acts like child sexual abuse to go unpunished at the highest levels. “Instead of protecting the people, they are abusing them,” he said in an interview from his new home in Sweden. “And then no one is saying anything. It’s terrible.”

Kompass sees the same instinct — to circle the wagons — at play in another recent UN scandal. In August, the UN admitted for the first time that peacekeepe­rs had been responsibl­e for the introducti­on of cholera into Haiti in 2010. The disease has since killed more than 10,000 Haitians and made more than 100,000 more desperatel­y ill. The evidence linking the outbreak to a UN camp has been overwhelmi­ng, and public, for years, but the United Nations secretaria­t has, until this summer, done nothing but dodge.

“It was a very similar reaction to what I experience­d,” Kompass said. “They just can’t recognize that they had (done) something wrong. They expect the rest of the world to do it, but they (won’t do it) themselves.”

Perhaps the most damaging and disturbing recent scandal, though has been playing out in South Sudan. According to a series of reports by The Associated Press, UN peacekeepe­rs there have failed to intervene in a host of rampaging sexual assaults by government soldiers against both local and internatio­nal women this summer. In one particular­ly brutal attack, on July 11, according to the AP, government troops broke into a hotel compound popular with foreign aid workers and spent four hours abusing the residents within. One aide worker was allegedly raped by 15 different soldiers.

“They shot dead a local journalist while forcing the foreigners to watch, raped several foreign women, singled out Americans, beat and robbed people and carried out mock executions,” the AP reported. “For hours throughout the assault, the UN peacekeepi­ng force stationed less than a mile away refused to respond to desperate calls for help.”

Taken together, the three scandals would seem to confirm the worst fears of the UN-phobic. Peacekeepi­ng can appear, and indeed sometimes is, a horrific cluster of the ineffectiv­e, the abusive and the self-serving. But researcher­s, and even some critics, don’t think that necessaril­y means Canada should stay away. Without the renewed involvemen­t of Canada, some believe, peacekeepi­ng will only get worse.

“I think Canada is doing the right thing by re-engaging,” said Gowan, a non-resident fellow at New York University’s Centre on Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n. But they have to do it the right way.

What that means differs depending on whom you ask. Gowan, for his part, sees the UN peacekeepi­ng system as desperatel­y overstretc­hed, with peacekeepe­rs on the ground in places where they have no credible local partners and no hope of restoring peace or protecting more than a fraction of the civilians at risk. “The system almost lives in denial about the number of civilians who have died on its watch in Darfur, South Sudan and the Congo,” he said.

Canada could make a tangible difference in some of those missions by providing high-end equipment or special forces — “no one wants, frankly, battalions and brigades of standard infantry from NATO countries,” he said. But it could make a lar- ger impact by engaging in the system itself and pressing for widespread reform.

Charles Petrie, a former UN assistant secretary general, who helped write the 2015 peacekeepi­ng review, agrees, to an extent. Petrie thinks the entire system needs to be rethought. The focus, he believes should be more on supporting political agreements and structures. He’d like to see smaller, more targeted peace-building missions, supported by small teams of highly trained soldiers able to react quickly to the worst humanitari­an dangers. Canadian soldiers, he believes, could help form those rapid reaction teams.

Based on his research, Kathman thinks any increase in Canadian involvemen­t would help. But if Canada does recommit in a serious way, he said, it would be better off focusing on a small number of missions rather than spreading its soldiers out. “The other thing we’ve found is that the more coherent a mission”— in other words, more troops from fewer countries — “the more effective those missions tend to be,” he said.

The consensus, though, seems to be that Canada can’t just focus on its own UN mission. “I think it’s much more than money and much more than troops,” Petrie said. “I think there needs to be a fundamenta­l rethinking of how (peacekeepi­ng works).”

On Thursday, the Canadian government announced a new reconnaiss­ance mission to Mali, home to a large, unusually violent peacekeepi­ng mission. The trip follows an earlier African excursion that saw Sajjan and a team of peacekeepi­ng experts tour the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda.

The government insists that no final decision on a destinatio­n for Canadian troops has been made. But the Liberals do seem committed to the idea of sending a new wave of Canadian blue helmets somewhere, at some point soon.

“There’s a sense of incredible vulnerabil­ity across the UN system,” said Gowan. “And a sense that the organizati­on has gone beyond its capabiliti­es and some sort of reckoning is necessary.”

For better or worse, that reckoning is Canada’s now, too.



 ?? PASCAL GUYOT / AFP / GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? Bosnian children wave to blue helmets in Srebrenica, where UN peacekeepe­rs failed to prevent the slaughter of thousands of men and boys in 1995.
PASCAL GUYOT / AFP / GETTY IMAGES FILES Bosnian children wave to blue helmets in Srebrenica, where UN peacekeepe­rs failed to prevent the slaughter of thousands of men and boys in 1995.
 ?? THONY BELIZAIRE / AFP / GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? Canadian troops arrive in Port-au-Prince to join the United Nations Mission in Haiti in 1996. As Canada has ramped up its peacekeepi­ng talk in recent months, several embarrassi­ng and atrocious incidents have come to light involving UN forces in the Central African Republic, South Sudan and Haiti.
THONY BELIZAIRE / AFP / GETTY IMAGES FILES Canadian troops arrive in Port-au-Prince to join the United Nations Mission in Haiti in 1996. As Canada has ramped up its peacekeepi­ng talk in recent months, several embarrassi­ng and atrocious incidents have come to light involving UN forces in the Central African Republic, South Sudan and Haiti.

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