Vancouver Sun


- ANDREW ALLENTUCK FINANCIAL OUTLOOK AGE DIFFERENCE­S Financial Post (Email andrew.allentuck@gmail. com for a free Family Finance analysis)

Acouple we’ll call Tracy and Phil, ages 59 and 51, respective­ly, have spent much of their lives by the sea. Former fishers, they have become landlubber­s in B.C.’s Lower Mainland: Tracy has morphed into a health-care profession­al and Phil has become a tradesman. They have two children. One, now 17, lives at home but will attend a college next year. The other is 23 and independen­t.

Tracy and Phil want to go back to the shore. The plan is to sell their present house, which has an estimated market value of $525,000 — a conservati­ve number in their frothy market — and move to a small town on Vancouver Island. In a few years, Phil will build a new home at a cost of what he thinks will be no more than $200,000. They will pocket the rest of the sale proceeds, about $179,925 after five per cent selling expenses and paying off their $120,075 mortgage.

“We know we will have a skinny retirement, since we have no defined-benefit pension plan, but if we wait until our 70s, we might not be able to travel or do any of the wilderness adventures that we love,” Tracy says. “What do we have to do to realize our dream of travelling before we are too old?”

Family Finance asked Rod Tyler, head of the Tyler Group Financial Services in Regina, to work with Tracy and Phil. “Based on each partner’s self-employment and the need for each to make what amounts to double an employee’s Canada Pension Plan contributi­on, it’s likely that they will want to rely on private savings more than government savings," he says. "That means less indexed pension income from CPP and a greater need to get growth and value from their own investment­s."

Their present take-home incomes total $5,226 a month. They have financial assets, excluding their child’s RESP, of $182,565, a $40,000 plot of land on Vancouver Island for the new house, $42,223 in a Registered Education Savings Plan for their 17-year-old (RESP contributi­ons no longer get the Canada Education Savings Grant, so they have ended), and liabilitie­s that total $134,725 — their mortgage and a $14,650 line of credit. At their present rate of payment, $2,400 a year, they can pay off their line of credit in about six years, when Tracy is 65.

They will receive annual CPP benefits when each is 65 of an estimated $6,768 for Tracy and $6,768 for Phil. Each will receive Old Age Security benefits. Tracy will get the full $6,846 at 65 while Phil — who immigrated to Canada at age 28, giving him 37 years of residence in Canada when he is 65 — will receive 37/40ths of the full amount, or $6,367 a year.

The couple has an eight-year age difference, so we will examine their retirement in stages, beginning when Tracy retires.

The retirement problem comes down to adequacy of funds and a significan­t fact tucked into their portfolio: The largest part of their retirement savings is Tracy’s annuity contract with a present value of $82,832. The money is locked in, but should pay $415 a month when it begins outflows at her age 65, at which time she can also draw on CPP and OAS, for fixed benefits of $1,550 a month. That would not be sufficient to support them, so Phil would have to continue to work. The money they liberate by selling their present house and building another could be annuitized to generate $646 per month for the 38 years to Phil’s age 95, assuming the underlying capital grows at three per cent a year after inflation. All figures are in 2016 dollars.

Their tax-free savings accounts, with a present balance of $53,785, with annuitized payments beginning at Tracy’s age 65 when the balance, having grown at three per cent a year for six years, then running for 38 years to Phil’s age 95, would generate $230 a month. That would push total income when Tracy is 65 and Phil is 57 to $2,426 a month. When Tracy is 65, the couple will have no mortgage or line of credit payments. Their present expenses of $5,226 a month would drop to $2,400 a month, excluding savings.

Assuming that Tracy’s income tax rate is negligible after personal, age and pension income credits, Tracy’s pension and investment income would cover expenses but leave no margin for RRSP contributi­ons, unexpected costs, illness or a reserve for a new car from time to time. That gap would be made up by Phil’s job income. Assuming that he continues his work at his present job, he would bring home $3,336 a month, given them monthly income of $5,762 until his retirement at age 65.

Assuming Phil continues working to 65, his RRSP, with a present value of $45,948 growing at $300 per month, could rise to $132,900 in 2016 dollars assuming three per cent growth after inflation. That sum, annuitized for 30 years to his age 95, would generate $550 a month. Combined with his CPP and OAS benefits, he would have $1,644 in monthly retirement income.

Combined with Tracy’s benefits, the couple would have $4,070 a month before tax when Phil is 65 and Tracy is 73. With splits of eligible pension income, allowances for age and pension credits and no tax on TFSA payouts they would pay about seven per cent tax, leaving about $3,800 a month for spending. Their expenses would be sufficient­ly well supported to allow more travel and a reserve for a new car as needed.


We’ve smoothed over several risks in this analysis. The house might not sell for $500,000. It could be less if B.C.’s housing market loses steam. Phil might not be able to find work in another community with the same pay as he gets now. As well, Phil may not earn enough money to maintain RRSP contributi­ons as we have assumed. But we are going with current earnings and contributi­ons rates in the interest of simplicity. The couple is frugal in almost every way and their savings are substantia­l given their modest incomes.

The couple’s retirement income will have an anchor in Tracy’s annuity. The payments are known, guaranteed by the insurance company and backed by the industry guarantee fund, Assuris. CPP and OAS are government benefits.

The largest part of their retirement income will thus be industry and government guaranteed cash flow. Though the annuity income is not indexed to inflation, their government benefits are. Increasing savings as their debts decrease is an obvious move. They need two cars now, though one would probably be sufficient in retirement.

“Phil might not find work that pays as well as his present trade,” Tyler cautions. “The future house could have cost overruns. With two incomes, these risks are covered; with one income — the result, in part, of the difference of ages — they are not.”


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