Vancouver Sun

How to strategica­lly withdraw RESP funds

If child’s basic personal amount isn’t used, it’s wasted, says Jamie Golombek.

- Financial Post Jamie Golombek, CPA, CA, CFP, CLU, TEP is the managing director, tax & estate planning with CIBC Wealth Strategies Group in Toronto.

With kids heading back to school this week, no doubt much ink will be spilled in the financial press this Labour Day weekend rehashing the benefits of contributi­ng to a Registered Education Savings Plan to save for the cost of postsecond­ary education. In my experience, however, much less time is spent discussing an equally important topic: how to best access funds in an RESP once the children start school. And what if there’s money left in the RESP after paying for tuition?

When considerin­g RESP withdrawal­s, the first thing to remember is that your contributi­ons to RESPs, which were not tax-deductible, can generally be withdrawn at any time, tax-free. Any other funds coming out of the plan for post-secondary education are referred to as “educationa­l assistance payments.” EAPs include the income, gains and Canadian Education Savings Grants in the RESP. When these are paid out, they are taxable to the student receiving the funds who, in many cases will either pay minimal or no tax at all on the EAPs withdrawn, owing to the various personal tax credits available to students. For example, the 2016 basic personal amount ($11,474) combined with a tuition credit ($6,500 for estimated average 2016/2017 Canadian undergradu­ate tuition fees) means about $18,000 of EAPs could be withdrawn annually, free of tax, by the student. And this ignores the education and textbook credits, which were eliminated in this year’s federal budget effective 2017, but can be claimed one last time in 2016.

My general advice, therefore, is to first withdraw sufficient EAPs annually to use the child’s basic personal amount, which if unused, is permanentl­y “wasted.” The tuition credit, however, can always be carried forward, indefinite­ly, for use in a future year against the student’s future earnings. Alternativ­ely, with the child’s consent, up to $5,000 of the tuition credit may be transferre­d annually to a (grand)parent’s tax return.

Of course, in employing this strategy, any other income the student earns from part-time work during the school year or from a summer job must also be taken into account to determine the optimal amount to withdraw. Any additional funds needed for education can then come from tax-free RESP contributi­on withdrawal­s.

As for the funds withdrawn, there is no requiremen­t that the money taken out of the RESP be used towards tuition, books, etc. As long as the child is enrolled in a qualifying post-secondary program, EAPs can be paid to the child. The child can then choose to do whatever they want with the funds, including paying for rent, food or even reinvestin­g any excess funds not currently needed for school in a TFSA.


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