Vancouver Sun



Across 1 Capit al south of Lake Volta 6 Q doba offering 10 J. K. Rowling, by residence 14 Sho w in syndicatio­n, say 15 W ithout

restraint 16 S omething that may crash and break 17 [S ee circled

letters] 19 Lik e Antarctica 20 Pa ssed out 21 ___ Dantès, the Count of Monte Cristo 23 No one in

particular 25 [S ee circled

letters] 28 S ource of sake 30 W eight

lifter 31 [S ee circled

letters] 33 E xcites 38 Wi nston’s tormenter in “1984” 39 “Linc oln” or “Nixon” 40 “It is better to give than to receive,” e.g. 41 [S ee circled letters] 44 Irrit ation reaction 46 Body ___ 47 [S ee circled

letters] 52 L ongtime resident of New York’s Dakota apartments 53 St andout 54 Mis sing nothing on 56 W ise guy 57 [S ee circled

letters] 62 Band of brothers? 63 Score of a lifetime? 64 When José Martí was born 65 O ne way to stand by 66 T . rex, e.g. 67 Trunks, of a sort


1 A shooting star has one 2 C o. leader 3 Hallo ween handout 4 Bur sting (with) 5 Font akin to Helvetica 6 P ossessed

of savoir-faire 7 No-holdsbarre­d online Q&A 8 Dis aster shelter sight 9 Michael of “Caddyshack” 10 W ise guy 11 Air when it’s cold outside? 12 Sheepish 13 P urchase in a bear market? 18 Don, as a chemise 22 St ephen Colbert forte 23 Cant 24 Mythic al eponym of element #41 26 L ate start? 27 North west brew, familiarly 29 Sing er Brickell who fronted the New Bohemians 32 E xasperates 34 “___ tricks?” 35 St oried endings? 36 Capt ain of industry 37 Jerk 39 Back of a gun barrel 41 R eedy area 42 Biodegr adable neckwear 43 “Oh,

really?!” 45 Jerk 47 “Mis sion: Impossible” genre 48 Music al trio, often 49 Unc ommon? 50 One of the seven principles of Kwanzaa 51 Blue wail? 55 Texting in a theater, e.g. 58 R euters competitor 59 Cr eature of habit? 60 M.A. seeker’s hurdle 61 Pa rts of a Santa Claus balloon

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