Vancouver Sun

Readers denounce new property levies

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Re: Chinese investors head south to flee B.C.’s foreign buyers tax, Sept. 17

The recent moves by Premier Christy Clark concerning the new B.C. foreign buyer’s tax, and Mayor Gregor Robertson, with his proposed vacant property tax, are setting the stage to promote our province and biggest city as an awful place to move to or invest in.

What right do we have to tell people who have legally bought their property they are not using them enough, and impose a penalty?

Being born in Vancouver does not give you the right to live in the city. It is a free country and everyone should be treated the same. This is not a police state. Imagine if cities like Palm Springs and Scottsdale started treating Canadians like we are treating people from other countries.

We better wake up. Stan Smith, Vancouver

Re: Plunge in foreign buyers leaves onlookers guessing, Sept. 23

House sales to foreign buyers are way down because of Premier Christy Clark’s 15 per cent tax. So what’s wrong with that? Well, a lot actually.

That existing contracts were not grandfathe­red is unconscion­able; a lawsuit is underway, with taxpayers footing the bill.

It is grossly unfair to landed immigrants who have been here for years, working and paying taxes and saving up to one day own a home.

It makes Vancouver a less-desirable place for non-Canadians to come to; this includes all foreign medical specialist­s, IT specialist­s, engineers, nurses, teachers, LNG (LNG? Remember the joke in the last election to be recycled in the coming one) profession­als and techs, the list goes on and on.

It will be interestin­g to see how much equity homeowners in Metro Vancouver have lost compared to last year as a result of the tax when the assessment­s come out.

What would have been a better course of action? Look how Australia dealt with it. David Peelo, Surrey

The B.C. government’s failure to grandfathe­r home purchase deals that were signed before the enactment of the new foreign homebuyer tax causes a knock-on effect when a buyer, either through choice or being forced by the circumstan­ces, abandons their purchase agreement and forfeits their deposit rather than paying the likely larger tax.

The seller, who likely agreed to purchase a new house of their own, cannot complete their deal, and the knock-on continues.

Whether or not one thinks it is fair for the government to take an action which likely damages homeowners’ property values, it must be seen as grossly unfair to not grandfathe­r existing deals.

A class-action lawsuit has been filed in B.C. Supreme Court with Jìng Li, a 29-year-old university student from China who now lives in Burnaby, as the lead plaintiff.

The lawsuit alleges discrimina­tion, treaty violations, and jurisdicti­onal issues, and if successful would force the refund of all such taxes paid. The government should also compensate those affected by the knockon effect.

Hopefully, this lawsuit succeeds as that would show the government that they cannot act in such a callous and unfair manner.

Good luck, Ms. Li! Benjamin Ohannesian, Vancouver

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