Vancouver Sun


Animator offers wisdom


Brenda Chapman’s resumé reads like a “best of” list for animated features. The American animation story artist, writer and director is the first woman to win the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature as a director of Brave (in 2012). She was also one of the first to land a directing role for a feature by a major studio. A short list of her credits includes The Prince of Egypt, The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Chicken Run and Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Small surprise that she is speaking at the business symposium for Spark Animation 2016. Reflecting the size and scope of the local animation industry, the annual event has grown into a three-pronged affair. The festival includes an industry conference at the Wall Centre as well as the animation festival. That opened Thursday with the Canadian theatrical premiere of Kingsglaiv­e: Final Fantasy XV, the precursor to the super-hyped Final Fantasy XV video game. A full program of features and shorts is screening at the event.

On the phone from her hometown of Beason, Ill., where she just launched a film festival, Chapman cut to the chase about a key element of her contributi­on to the conversati­on on Friday (5:45 p.m., at VIFF Vancity Theatre, 1181 Seymour St.) with Warner Animation Group executive producer Jinko Gotoh, titled The Global Landscape of Animated Features.

“I’m sure that women in film will be discussed as well as what is out there and coming on the creative side and from where,” said Chapman.

“But increasing­ly my goal these days is to inspire young people to work for their dreams. Not just to dream them but to actually achieve them, because this business is really hard and you have to never forget to go for what you have passion for.”

Chapman says that while this approach might not always result in the best pay, it is “what keeps you sane when things get crazy.” Anyone working in the animation business can testify to both the long hours and frequently frenetic pace of work. Controvers­ies about contracts, remunerati­on rates and credits arise.

“Ultimately, do what speaks to you creatively in the end,” said Chapman. “It will give you a great sense of pride, a sense of achievemen­t and that passion will be reflected in your portfolio, which is your calling card.”

Chapman started with drawing and it remains key to her love of animation, although she expresses equal excitement with stop-motion, 3D and other forms. Not surprising is that a good story well told is always key. Chapman says there has been a surge in script quality with the increased competitio­n in the industry, and that benefits creators and consumers alike.

“The worst animation in the world can’t destroy a good story, but the best animation can’t save a bad story and make it worth your emotional investment,” she said. “There are so many factors going into making something that rises above the rest, and sometimes it can be a long and frustratin­g process to get where you want. Brave took eight years because of Disney purchasing Pixar and bumping the release date back twice.”

Typically, three to four years is pretty standard for bringing an animated feature to screen. Those sorts of limits can mean a lot of cooks coming in and out of the mix. Chapman broke the glass ceiling for female directors on major features for The Prince of Egypt as one of a team of three directors. “It wasn’t in my mindset or my goal to break that ceiling, I just wanted to do a great job directing,” said Chapman. “But the truth is it still needs to be broken regularly. There still aren’t enough of us out there and you still rarely see women in executive roles either. It all is moving too slow.”

Clearly, she has carved herself out a place in the industry, inspiring more women to follow. As a closing point, she says that the trend these days at all studios is marketing driving the creative types.

“That’s the tail wagging the dog, I think it’s backwards — marketing says we don’t know how to market that movie, so make it this way,” she said. “If I said I didn’t know how to direct that movie, I’d get fired and replaced. This has to change or else people are going to get tired of seeing the same thing.”

Chapman is now working on an indie film about a Chinese folk tale about two sisters. The feature will be for western release, but funding is being secured from China. Chapman thinks this internatio­nal model is likely to become more common as animation is a pancultura­l and global experience, a trend that will be touched upon in her talk.

My goal these days is to inspire young people to work for their dreams. Not just to dream them, but to actually achieve them.

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 ??  ?? The film festival aspect of Spark Animation 2016 in Vancouver kicked off Thursday with the Canadian theatrical premiere of Kingsglaiv­e: Final Fantasy XV, the precursor to the super-hyped Final Fantasy XV video game.
The film festival aspect of Spark Animation 2016 in Vancouver kicked off Thursday with the Canadian theatrical premiere of Kingsglaiv­e: Final Fantasy XV, the precursor to the super-hyped Final Fantasy XV video game.

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