Vancouver Sun

Younger, more conservati­ve clergy start to pack the pews

An academic Jonah delivers bad news to Christian liberals, writes David Millard Haskell.

- David Millard Haskell of Wilfrid Laurier University is lead author of Theology Matters in December’s Review of Religious Research.

If you went to Sunday school, you heard the story of Jonah and chances are you remember that he was swallowed by a whale. But what often gets forgotten is the story’s larger theme. Jonah is given a divine message and is instructed to deliver it to a people on the verge of calamity but, for some specific reasons, he’s reluctant.

Minus hearing the voice of God, for the last couple of weeks, I’ve felt a little like Jonah.

The informatio­n I’m delivering relates to a study some colleagues and I conducted that explored mainline Protestant churches. Since the 1960s, churches in the Anglican, Lutheran, Presbyteri­an and United denominati­ons have been steadily losing members and we wanted to determine why.

Through statistica­l analysis of survey data from a near-even mix of growing and declining church attendees and their clergy, we found that conservati­ve religious doctrine, known for emphasizin­g a more literal interpreta­tion of Scripture, is a key driver for church growth in mainline Protestant congregati­ons. Liberal doctrine, which emphasizes a metaphoric­al interpreta­tion, leads to decline.

The unease I feel in relaying my own study’s findings stems from my personal history. I was baptized, went to Sunday school, then youth group in a mainline Protestant church. I went to and worked at a mainline Protestant summer camp. I got married in a mainline church.

Of course, my colleagues and I are excited to make public the answer to what has been an ongoing sociologic­al riddle. However, when I think of the impact the answer is likely to have on mainliners of a more liberal theologica­l bent, people with whom I have genuine relationsh­ips, I have cause to be reflective. I recognize that many of these liberal clergy and congregant­s are already experienci­ng the trauma of a dying church; it must be very saddening, maybe even frustratin­g, to hear that some researcher­s now claim the theologica­l outlook they esteem is a contributi­ng factor in their church’s death.

As our research has gained more media exposure, I’ve been asked if I think the findings, apart from upsetting liberal Protestant­s, might have any other effect on them. But as a minister from one of the declining churches, a self-declared theologica­l liberal, said with a deep sigh, “A tiger can’t change its stripes and you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”

I think her comment reflects the thoughts of most mainline clergy and congregant­s who are theologica­l liberals. They’ve come to their views honestly, through deep reflection and a change of outlook would amount to a betrayal of conscience.

And while we likely can’t expect the “old dogs” to learn “new tricks,” what about the new dogs? There are signs of an interestin­g developmen­t.

In our study, we found that the pastors of the growing churches were, on average, about a decade younger than those of the declining. Other researcher­s have made similar observatio­ns.

In her study of mainline congregati­ons across the U.S., Martha Grace Reese found growing congregati­ons typically had younger pastors. Her data also showed these younger pastors had greater theologica­l conservati­sm. However, Reese made no connection between theology and a congregati­on’s numerical increase. In light of our results, we see a connection.

The evidence is far too inadequate to make the case that younger, theologica­lly conservati­ve clergy are an increasing phenomenon within mainline Protestant­ism. But, if this does turn out to be a real trend, growth could follow.

Hearing that the hope for their denominati­ons may be in the hands of younger pastors with dramatical­ly different theologica­l outlooks is likely cold comfort for liberal clergy in Canada’s mainline churches. But like Jonah, I’m just the messenger. If they want to complain, they’ll have to take it up with the boss.

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