Vancouver Sun

The moment of truth for our changing climate

We must embrace a water-first approach, write Kim Stephens, Michael Blackstock and Rob Sandford

- Kim Stephens is executive director at Partnershi­p for Water Sustainabi­lity in B.C.; Michael Blackstock is an independen­t scholar, profession­al forester and chartered mediator of European and Gitxsan descent; Bob Sandford is the EPCOR chair for Water and C

Our climate is indeed changing. Flood, drought, fire, wind and cold — extreme events are becoming the norm. From a water-first perspectiv­e, we are at a moment of truth.

To make the right choices, we must understand how and where the rhythms of water are changing. Then we can apply ecosystem-based understand­ing to adapt our practices to suit a changing climate. Adapting to changes in the water cycle requires that British Columbians rethink our relationsh­ip with nature. The path to a waterresil­ient future starts with Western science acknowledg­ing water for its central functional and spiritual roles in our world. Western science is not wrong. It is just not complete. It does not account for water as part of a living ecosystem.

Created more than a decade ago, Blue Ecology is a “made in B.C.” concept that offers a path forward. Blue Ecology is defined as the interweavi­ng of Western science and traditiona­l First Nations teaching and local knowledge.

Internatio­nal recognitio­n led to inclusion in the 2008 final report of the UNESCO expert panel on water and cultural diversity. Then, the Internatio­nal Associatio­n of Hydrologic­al Sciences accepted Blue Ecology into mainstream science. Their peer review in 2009 gave Blue Ecology credibilit­y.

Yet there has been little awareness in B.C. of either this watershed moment or the opportunit­y Blue Ecology offers for “getting it right.”

This article is an early step in a process to raise awareness of Blue Ecology and inform a provincial conversati­on about what we can do to manage water as a whole system. Blue Ecology aligns with the whole system, water balance approach that the Partnershi­p for Water Sustainabi­lity champions for restoratio­n of watershed systems within the built environmen­t.

Time is of the essence. The rate and manner in which water moves through the global hydrologic­al (water) cycle is accelerati­ng. This is causing hydrologic instabilit­y, and this is why recently identified phenomena such as atmospheri­c rivers demand our attention.

An atmospheri­c river is a narrow corridor of concentrat­ed water vapour aloft. These great rivers can be 400 kilometres across and thousands of kilometres long. The best known is the famous “Pineapple Express” which periodical­ly crosses the Pacific from Hawaii and unloads heavy rain when it hits the west coast of North America.

When moderate in scale, atmospheri­c rivers bring badly needed water to dry states like California. When larger in scale, they can cause flooding of magnitudes not witnessed before. The laws of physics provide a reality check: the warmer the global temperatur­e becomes, the more water the atmosphere can carry. The risk is that, until we stabilize the compositio­n of the Earth’s atmosphere, phenomena such as atmospheri­c rivers are likely to cause greater flooding and related economic damage widely — forever making sustainabi­lity and adaptive resilience a moving target. So what will we do?

Clearly, we need to better understand the “critical thresholds” that exist within our water and water-related climate systems; and then better connect that understand­ing to social, economic and public health policy and associated political risks and tipping points.

There is hope for future generation­s. Success depends on embracing a water-first approach. Water is a core human interest upon which we can build collaborat­ive cross-cultural climate change strategies. We need to build on that core interest now.

Water is a living entity. It is the sacred centre from which all other activities radiate. Adoption by hydrologis­ts and water managers of the companion Blue Ecology water cycle would enhance Western science’s hydrologic­al cycle. It would do so by providing a holistic cultural context.

What we are essentiall­y talking about is reconcilia­tion: going back to the headwaters of where we got our relationsh­ips with water and with one another wrong; and then starting back down the river of time — this time together — with a full understand­ing of the importance of embracing a water-first approach to planning human interventi­ons in the environmen­t.

Western science and Blue Ecology are truly partners. It is time the marriage was made official.

 ??  ?? Adapting to changes in the water cycle requires that British Columbians rethink our relationsh­ip with nature.
Adapting to changes in the water cycle requires that British Columbians rethink our relationsh­ip with nature.

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