Vancouver Sun




1 Monas tery leader 6 E veryone working in an office 11 C ousin ___ (Addams Family member) 14 Pix ar robot 15 O pposite of black-andwhite 16 Gun rights org. 17 S anta player in “The Man in the Santa Claus Suit” 19 Highest roll of a die 20 S .E.C. school near Atlanta, for short 21 E xplorer and Escalade, in brief 22 Nutmeg, for one 24 S omething sent to Santa 26 S anta player in “The Polar Express” 29 Magnetit e and bauxite 31 T emporary break 32 “In that case …” 35 Joe of “Good Fellas” 37 Br ead box, for short? 39 Cheerle ader’s cry 40 S anta player in “Elf” 42 Bo ston ___ Party 43 E nvironment­alist’s prefix 44 Main artery 45 Not more than 46 Mo ves like water around a drain 48 Big school dance 51 S anta player in “TheSanta Clause” 53 Is 57 R esident of Muscat 58 “Y eah, why not!” 60 Minc emeat ___ (Christmas staple) 61 ___ Tin Tin 62 S anta player in “Miracle on 34th Street” 66 R.N. ’s special touch 67 Riv er through Paris 68 L es ___-Unis 69 Match, as a bet 70 Pa st or present 71 Lik e the settlers of Iceland


1 Horrific 2 Flat - bottomed boat 3 Sheep sound 4 Right jolly ___ elf (Santa) 5 Little puzzle 6 Sho w on which John Candy and Eugene Levy got their starts 7 One of a series at a wedding reception 8 Bo xer known as “The Greatest” 9 Gift tag word 10 T erry Gross’s NPR program 11 Imply 12 April fool player 13 O ne of Benjamin Franklin’s certaintie­s 18 “Y eah, why not!” 23 B oston footballer, for short 25 O verly 27 Zing er response 28 “Of ___ and Men” 30 Lik e the population of Wyoming 32 Fu ry 33 E xact copy 34 Neologism for an onscreen/offscreen relationsh­ip 36 W inter hrs. in New York 38 W est who said “Iused to be Snow White, but I drifted” 40 A t one’s ___ convenienc­e 41 Barbie or Ken 45 The year 2001 47 Fleming who created James Bond 49 P eruse 50 A stronaut’s tankful 51 L egal wrongs 52 Some of them are proper 54 Ja velin 55 S ome windshield­s have them 56 T aste or touch 59 Sitting spot for a child visiting Santa 63 “Look at Me, I’m Sandra ___” 64 Max’ s opposite 65 Intl. group that’s the object of many mass protests

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