Vancouver Sun


Court vindicatio­ns of Site C set the record straight, Caroline Elliott writes.

- Caroline Elliott is a former B.C. Hydro employee, and is currently pursuing her PhD in political science at Simon Fraser University.

A war of words is being waged in the media about the Site C dam. Again and again, selective informatio­n that purports to tell the ‘real story’ about the project is put forward, often with misleading results. For readers who don’t have time to delve into the details about Site C, it’s understand­ably difficult to separate fact from fiction.

Luckily, there is a reliable source of informatio­n about the project, a rare case of veritable facts about a controvers­ial issue in a world of ‘fake news,’ means-justifies-the-ends activism and socialmedi­a-induced ideologica­l isolationi­sm.

That source is the courts, where time and again the evidentiar­y record of the Site C project has been examined in detail. With the B.C. Court of Appeal’s decision earlier this month, a total of nine provincial or federal judicial reviews related to Site C have been discontinu­ed or decided in favour of the project, and three appeals have likewise been dismissed, allowing constructi­on to continue.

The repeated dismissals of challenges to the project are no coincidenc­e. At issue in these proceeding­s have been substantiv­e questions about whether or not the consultati­on undertaken in relation to Site C was adequate and in good faith, and whether or not the decisions approving the project were justified.

And in every judicial decision, the same conclusion has been reached: Site C’s record of diligence is substantiv­e, the federal and provincial decisions to proceed were reasonable, and no evidence has been presented by project critics to date that would justify a change in course.

The Site C case has now been heard by multiple different judges in multiple different courts at multiple different levels. The decisions issued were made based on the impartial consider- ation of evidence presented by both sides of the Site C debate, a compelling testament to the rigour of the Site C decision process.

Still, this column itself could be seen as just one more voice in the Site C media debate. It’s therefore worth letting a few of the judgments speak for themselves.

From the B.C. Supreme Court:

• “The decision of the ministers was a reasonable one given the legal and factual framework within which it was made” (Peace Valley Landowner Associatio­n v. British Columbia, July 2015).

• “In this case the petitioner­s have failed to demonstrat­e that the ministers proceeded without a reasonable basis for their conclusion­s” (Prophet River First Nation v. British Columbia, September 2015). From the Federal Court:

• “In my view, B.C. Hydro’s consultati­on has been extensive and conducted in good faith” (Prophet River First Nation v. Canada, August 2015)

And from this month’s unanimous, three-judge decision from the B.C. Court of Appeal (Prophet River First Nation v. British Columbia):

• “The consultati­on with the appellants was by any account deep and extensive. It could not be characteri­zed as anything less … It suffices to say that, on its face, the record reflects the extent of consultati­on and accommodat­ion that appears reasonable in the circumstan­ces.”

• “B.C. Hydro did consult meaningful­ly on the issues identified by the appellants; in particular, First Nations were provided a meaningful opportunit­y to make submission­s, have those submission­s considered and engage in discussion­s concerning alternativ­es. On the record, it simply cannot be said the Crown failed to discharge the duty of consultati­on and accommodat­ion it owed.”

So, while commentary in the media by project critics continuall­y questions the review process for Site C, it’s worth bearing in mind that this matter has been tested vigorously and repeatedly by the courts, with findings in every case allowing the project to move forward.

It’s time, then, to correct the notion that Site C is somehow lacking in diligence and thus ‘plagued’ by legal controvers­y. To be sure, an active few have been persistent in their criticisms, and have pursued their concerns through legal means. And in a liberal democracy, the ability to express those views publicly, in the media and through litigation, is an important right enjoyed by everyone regardless of their stance.

The media battle around Site C will therefore endure, even as the issue continues to be considered in judicial reviews, in appeals and in appeals of appeals. But by and large, the decade of good practice undertaken during the developmen­t stage for Site C is serving it well when it comes to the courts.

The considered legal judgments that have allowed this thoroughly vetted project to proceed are an island of clarity in an overwhelmi­ng sea of confusion and misinforma­tion.

The Site C case has now been heard by multiple different judges in multiple different courts at multiple different levels.

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