Vancouver Sun



A Chinese early warning aircraft and a U.S. Navy patrol plane had an “unsafe” encounter over the South China Sea this week, the U.S. Pacific Command said Friday, in the first such incident known to have taken place under President Donald Trump’s administra­tion.

The interactio­n between a Chinese KJ-200 and a U.S. Navy P-3C plane took place Wednesday in internatio­nal airspace, Pacific Command spokesman Robert Shuford said. He did not say what was unsafe about the encounter, although the term usually implies planes flying too close to one another.

Shuford says the U. S. plane was on a routine mission and operating according to internatio­nal law. The Department of Defence and the Pacific Command “are always concerned about unsafe interactio­ns with Chinese military forces,” he said.

The Chinese Defence Ministry did not immediatel­y respond to a faxed request for comment.

Philippine Defence Department spokesman Arsenio Andolong also expressed concern because the incident happened near Scarboroug­h Shoal, located within the Philippine­s’ 325km exclusive economic zone but claimed by China.

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