Vancouver Sun


Clawing back the curtains on Wolverine, and the actor resurrecti­ng him for one last time


“I’m the best there is at what I do and what I do isn’t very nice.”

It’s not what you’d expect to hear from the lips of a Canadian superhero.

Delivered by Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine in his 2009 solo film, the line coyly hints at the X-Men’s propensity to engage in cuttingedg­e violence over Pearsonian diplomacy.

It’s also what makes him a fan favourite.

With his deep-seated anger, trust and identity issues, Wolverine (a.k.a. Logan) is like a perpetuall­y wounded animal. Created in 1974, the clawed bruiser was an antihero long before cable TV came along — and he’s a slice above the comic medium’s trio of defining superheroe­s. Batman is a bonkers billionair­e with a vigilante vanity project; Superman is an earnest, alien boy scout with a God complex; and Spider-Man is a sarcastic, nerdy kid handed great power (and great attention). Wolverine is an anti-social, grumpy, beer-chugging, cigar-chomping mutant who has been reluctantl­y saving people — and occasional­ly the world — for roughly two centuries.

The character’s casting in 2000’s X-Men was paramount to the success of the franchise. Coming in the wake of the 1997 flop Batman & Robin, a great Wolverine was needed to save superhero cinema. Jackman’s performanc­e captured the intractabl­e pain locked inside the body of a man who can heal from any physical wound, but whose mind is forever scarred.

After slicing and dicing his way into moviegoers’ hearts for 17 years, Jackman is set to play the hero a final time in Logan, opening March 3. (For the record, we’ve had three Spideys, two Batmen and two Supermen in that time span.)

While Jackman isn’t Canadian, having an Australian inhabit Wolverine’s iconic sideburns was the next best thing. Something about both nations being underdogs living in the shadow of greater powers? At first glance, Wolverine makes for an unlikely Canuck. Born in Alberta in the 1800s, his primary mutant powers are a healing factor and razor-sharp claws that painfully burst through his hands (in comic panel bubbles, this process famously made the sound “Snikt!”). No X-ray vision; no gadgets or armoured vehicles; no mystical hammers or magical rings; no gamma radiation or radioactiv­e spiders. Wolverine was born to cut things and recover from injury. As he might say, “That’s it, bub.” Modest. Just like us.

“Your country needs you!” the fanatic U.S. Major Stryker tells Wolverine in 2009 (this is the same villain who infused the hero’s claws and bones with a powerful steel alloy). His response: “I’m Canadian.”

Wolverine’s pain threshold and berserker rage make him a prime candidate to suit up for Canada’s game. In another lifetime, he could have been a top hockey goon. With his signature horn-shaped cut, Logan could have given new meaning to hockey hair. The character’s lifelong battle against his animal instincts speaks to another Canadian trait: endurance. The ability to survive the wilderness — and wildness — that defines our country. (Wolverine is essentiall­y what would happen if a Mountie, and part-time lumberjack, happened to have been raised by Don Cherry and a team of coureurs des bois.)

Wolverine and Canada are both “always a bridesmaid, never a bride.” People really like us, but someone else is always a little more important — like our southern neighbour and “leader of the free world.”

So, we can sympathize with Wolvie’s mostly unrequited love with Jean Grey. Her boyfriend Cyclops — the X-Men’s laser-eyed leader — is the U.S. of this equation.

While Wolverine may not make the team’s big decisions, he often pointedly challenges them.

As put it in one movie review, “Like all wildly successful figures in American entertainm­ent, Wolverine is a Canadian. Many Canadians are also adept at dry, understate­d humour. Wolvie, especially the cinematic version, followed suit. At Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, a clueless touring parent once asked him, “What exactly are you a professor of, Mr. Logan?” His retort: “Art.”

Wolverine first appeared in The Incredible Hulk No. 180 hunting a Wendigo, a mythical indigenous creature.

Logan’s also a Canadian veteran of both World Wars (Library and Archives Canada even released his fake military records this past April Fool’s).

And like our complex, bilingual, multicultu­ral nation, Wolverine is in a near-constant identity crisis (understand­able, given he had his memory wiped). After two centuries and counting, Logan is still struggling to figure out who he is. Canada, at age 150, is arguably in much the same place.

Wolverine doesn’t pretend to be anything he’s not.

He’s not the flashiest, loudest or strongest superhero, but he just might be the most dependable (how very Canadian).

He always ends up joining the good fight. Beneath that gruff exterior is a big ol’ softy — a man of character who’ll stand on guard for thee.

In his eighth and final appearance before being declawed, Jackman’s silver-screen Wolverine is aged, weakened, broken down — and growling his way through an all-too-near apocalypti­c future. America is a dusty, dry wasteland. Our hero’s powers of healing are diminished, and he boozes to kill chronic pain. (Logan is Unforgiven meets The Wrestler.) Hiding on the Mexican border, Logan is just trying to survive, while helping care for an ailing Professor X (Patrick Stewart). Everything changes when Wolverine becomes the reluctant protector of a young mutant girl.

Yes, a Canadian co-created Superman, and Wolverine was invented by Americans. But they didn’t know what to do with their northern hero. Fittingly, a British-Canadian X-Men artist, John Byrne, takes credit for fighting to keep his fellow countryman in the comic — and for the makeover that turned the mangy mutant into a star.

Sure, Deadpool is the true patriot who received the most love in 2016, but Wolverine is a cut above.

 ??  ?? Wolverine, as depicted by Hugh Jackman, is the consummate Canadian hero — identity crisis and all.
Wolverine, as depicted by Hugh Jackman, is the consummate Canadian hero — identity crisis and all.

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