Vancouver Sun

Tory race down to two

Bernier says it’s between him and O’Leary


Maxime Bernier believes the Conservati­ve leadership contest has become a twohorse race.

“I think so,” he concedes. “I am looking to Kevin O’Leary as an opponent and waiting to see his platform.”

At a rally in Ottawa this week, Bernier’s chief organizer, Ontario MP Alex Nuttall, said he believes the campaign will sign up 30,000 new members by the time eligibilit­y to vote in the May election is cut off in just under three weeks.

In an interview, the long, lean member from Quebec’s Beauce region said the campaign has signed up around 10,000 members — a significan­t number, given the existing membership is under 100,000, but a far cry from the huge influx Nuttall pledged.

What is clear, though, is that the second act in Bernier’s political career has already exceeded expectatio­ns — he is signing up new members at a rate matched only by O’Leary; he is neck and neck in most polls with the reality TV star; he has raised more money than anyone else, according to official figures; and, he is in the top three in terms of caucus endorsemen­ts, with the backing of six MPs.

While he has nowhere near the support in caucus of rivals Andrew Scheer (24 MPs) or Erin O’Toole (21 MPs), many Conservati­ves I have spoken with see him as a perfectly acceptable second choice, which suggests the potential for growth in later rounds of the party’s byzantine voting process.

This is hardly a surprise. People like Max Bernier. I don’t recall ever meeting a politician with less guile or artifice about him. He has been portrayed as naive and callow — a vain, lightweigh­t playboy.

But Bernier Redux is a more prudent propositio­n than the young Quebec MP who blazed into Ottawa and Stephen Harper’s cabinet more than a decade ago. His place in the sun ended when he was dumped unceremoni­ously as foreign affairs minister by Harper, after he left secret documents in the home of his then girlfriend, Julie Couillard, a woman with past links to organized crime.

He almost quit politics but, after a week in a monastery, emerged with a new determinat­ion.

“You have to stick to your principles and when you believe in something, to fight for it. I was thinking of resigning as a politician … but decided no, I will fight for what I believe in.”

For a man who Couillard called a “rabid skirt-chaser,” he has kept his private life private since his spectacula­r fall from grace. “People don’t know I have the same girlfriend for the last seven years (Catherine Letarte, an executive with a mental health organizati­on), and that I have two daughters,” he said.

While he has matured privately and politicall­y, his ideology has been consistent since his first days as industry minister, when he told the owner of a local bicycle factory that he would not impose quotas on cheaper Chinese bikes.

Bernier is a conviction politician. He stands on the principles of smaller government and respect for the Constituti­on, and is prepared to go into the wilderness if the world doesn’t come around to his way of thinking.

His free-market libertaria­nism has been viewed as too dogmatic, even by some in his own party. When he was industry minister it was whispered that he was promoted to foreign affairs to stop him deregulati­ng the telecom sector. Among his current proposals, he plans to privatize Canada Post and the country’s big airports.

But the fact that he may be beaten to selling off the airports by the Liberals indicates he is no longer beyond the political pale.

“Brian Mulroney came to power in 1984 and privatized Petro-Canada, brought in the GST and signed the free trade agreement with the U.S. He was a great prime minister and made bold conservati­ve changes. That’s all I want to do,” said the 54-yearold MP.

Bernier has been criticized for making statements that could be interprete­d as pandering to the Conservati­ve Party’s hard right base — on immigratio­n, he said “policy should not aim to change the cultural character and social fabric of Canada.”

But stroking interest groups is not Bernier’s style — he has long believed there are political gains in hard talk.

As a front-runner who may have to fight a general election in two years, he knows he can’t afford to alienate parts of the broader electorate. The Liberal Party is already gathering ammunition against him, sending a staffer to every Bernier event to capture his every word.

He denies the Conservati­ve Party is in danger of be- coming the anti-immigrant party. “We are open to immigratio­n — it’s great. The selection of our immigrants is working, so I don’t agree with Kellie Leitch about a new questionna­ire or a new way to select people,” he said.

He praised the approach of the Harper government, which focused on economic migrants. “Integratin­g is easier when you have a job in Canada,” he said.

Bernier said his time in the penalty box gave him time to travel the country and refine his platform. His refrain to almost every question is: “I have a plan for that …”

Sometimes that plan is woolly, such as the proposal to raise the level at which Canadians pay income tax to $15,000, create a flat tax of 15 per cent for incomes between $15,001 and $100,000 and a reduced top rate of 25 per cent for those earning six figures. It would be funded by abolishing many of the boutique tax credits introduced as electoral bribes by the Harper government. But precisely which credits would go is not explicit — an important detail, given each cancellati­on would lead to a political storm.

Bernier is also in favour of phasing out the supply management of eggs, chicken and dairy products.

“I don’t work for a special interest group — I work for Canadian consumers,” he said. “That’s why I am against the cartel of supply management. They are a powerful special interest group and they are doing everything to stop me being elected in Quebec.

“That’s OK. I think Quebecers understand that the right policy is to get rid of that and save $2.6 billion every year.”

Bernier remains a bit of an oddity, a product of the Beauce — a distinct society within the distinct society on the Quebec-Maine border.

As his best friend, Jacques Drouin, told me at a lunch in Bernier’s riding a decade ago: “There is a different mentality here based on ownership and entreprene­urship. We’re like the Gauls in Asterix and Obelix. Nobody can beat us.”

Bernier certainly reflects that strange optimism.

In a race short on political heavyweigh­ts, he has executed flawlessly on a smart game-plan. He mangles his syntax in English but is by any measure bilingual, unlike so many of his rivals. He appeals to fiscal conservati­ves, who make up around half the party membership.

And he is deemed an acceptable compromise by many of those concerned about party unity. It seemed unlikely on that fateful May day nine years ago when the headlines screamed: “PM dumps Mad Max.” If his cinematic namesake was reduced to a single instinct — survival — Bernier has been driven by his belief in smaller government and the prospect that his plan will be embraced by Canadians.

His supporters are expressing a cautious optimism that he will get the opportunit­y to find out.


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