Vancouver Sun

Canada needs plan for undocument­ed arrivals

Many do not qualify for immigratio­n or as refugees, says Martin Collacott.

- Martin Collacott lives in Surrey and is a former Canadian ambassador in Asia and the Middle East. He has frequently addressed parliament­ary committees on immigratio­n and asylum issues.

The readiness of many Canadians to accept a reasonable number of refugees for resettleme­nt is likely to come under increasing strain as asylum seekers exploit our system to enter Canada illegally and make claims. While the government has mounted a campaign to try to convince us that we should take more refugees, public support for immigratio­n and refugees is in fact “soft” and failure to deal effectivel­y with the growing problems at the border could well lead to a major backlash.

The main channel being used by the illegal entrants is a provision of the Canada-U.S. Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA). While the agreement requires they make their claim in whichever of the two countries they find themselves in, in the event they somehow manage to cross the border and enter Canada undetected, they can make what is called an “inland claim” in Canada (the fiction being that we don’t know if they entered from the U.S. even if they are only one foot inside our border).

Hundreds have used this provision so far this year and the numbers continue to grow. Very few, if any, probably qualify as convention refugees, i.e. entitled to resettleme­nt because they are fleeing persecutio­n in their homelands. The vast majority are simply seeking a better life but lack the qualificat­ions to come to Canada as immigrants.

The head of the union representi­ng the nation’s border officers has described the situation as being like “Swiss cheese,” allowing in not only illegal migrants but also contraband, and has called on Ottawa to create a special force to deal with the situation.

Nor is the price we pay for the illegal entries insignific­ant, given that the cost to taxpayers of processing each rejected applicatio­n is estimated at $26,000, plus any costs for removing them from the country.

To control the border, we will not only need to add significan­t resources of our own, but will require the co-operation of the United States, which is currently facing the problem of return- ing non-Mexicans who have crossed into the U.S. across its southern border. This has long been a route for Central Americans, Indians, Sri Lankans and others to enter the U.S. and possibly continue on to Canada.

One of the things we will need to do to stop the hemorrhagi­ng into Canada of illegal entries is to change the STCA so that someone who makes a claim inside our border must provide reasonable proof they did not enter from the United States. If they cannot do this, they will not be allowed to file a refugee claim and will be summarily returned to the U.S.

We will probably not be able to apprehend all illegal border crossers in this way, but will make the prospects of a successful crossing sufficient­ly remote that the numbers prepared to try it will diminish significan­tly.

Such measures will be vehemently opposed by refugee advocates, lawyers and academics, who believe we should have a system that lets as many asylum seekers into Canada as possible, regardless of their merits, and have little concern about the negative impact this might have on Canadians.

While refugee activists try to argue that Canada is the only really “safe” country in the world for asylum seekers, Canadian courts have found that the STCA is constituti­onal, based on the fact that the office of the UN High Commission­er for Refugees has confirmed that the U.S. is a safe country for the purposes of the agreement.

In 2015, Angela Merkel allowed large numbers of asylum seekers to enter Germany without exercising control over numbers or determinin­g who was coming in. In the end, the situation got so badly out of hand she acknowledg­ed that the unrestrict­ed entry had to be stopped. Her political future remains in doubt because of her failure to anticipate how many people would use the asylum system to gain entry and remain in Germany.

The same thing could easily happen here if the government fails to take measures to control the intake of undocument­ed migrants. Ottawa needs to determine how it can best deal with this rapidly developing problem as a matter of urgency.

 ?? GRAHAM HUGHES/ THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? A man and his family cross the U.S.-Canada border in Hemmingfor­d, Que., last week. Martin Collacott says failing to find solutions to people entering the country illegally could result in public backlash.
GRAHAM HUGHES/ THE CANADIAN PRESS A man and his family cross the U.S.-Canada border in Hemmingfor­d, Que., last week. Martin Collacott says failing to find solutions to people entering the country illegally could result in public backlash.

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