Vancouver Sun

No need to sacrifice style when shining a light on safety

Fashionabl­e gear for the fleet-footed ensures you’re seen when making tracks


You’re pounding the pavement to improve your health, so you want to make sure safety is a top priority when running.

With spring here, days are getting longer. But many runners still lace up at dawn, dusk or at night.

To stay safe while running on busy roads, the key is to see and be seen, said Jennifer Campbell of Apotheca Athletics, an independen­t manufactur­er’s sales agency that represents athletic apparel and equipment.

Spoiler alert: It takes more than just throwing on a white T-shirt!

“It’s getting people to realize they need to wear multiple points of light in order for a car and drivers to see them,” said Campbell.

You don’t need to be lit up like a Christmas tree, but close — Campbell recommends 360-degree coverage using either passive reflective lights or active lights, such as an LED head lamp or strobe lights that can clip onto your belt or clothes.

“Most new runners are focused on their footwear and what they look like,” said Campbell, adding many opt for black: Classic, minimalist, but not ideal when it comes to visibility.

Many newbies who run in a group may skip the reflective gear, thinking there is safety in numbers. While running groups offer a large degree of protection — the more people the more visible — it’s still important to outfit yourself properly.

“(A person wearing reflective gear is) seen six times greater than a person wearing standard clothing or a white T-shirt,” she said.

“We are trying to get people excited about safety. And it doesn’t have to be anything expensive.”

Basic rule of thumb: Make sure you’re seen from the front, back and the sides.

For example, wear a visibility vest, clip a light spur on your shoe that can be seen from behind, then wrap a light bender around both arms and, voila, you’re ready to roll.

Campbell, who frequently runs on trails, also likes using head lamps, which can cast either a strobe or steady light onto the path ahead while keeping her hands free. Runners who prefer running in the city or well-lit streets can skip the head lamps, but it comes in handy for running in trails, along the seawall or dark areas.

Even daytime runners should keep visibility top of mind. Campbell recommends wearing brighter colours that stand out. Popular “safety colours” are bright yellow for men and women or bright pink for women.


Carry a phone: It’s nice to be off the grid, but staying connected has major safety perks. A phone can prove handy for its apps or to call for help when you’re in a pinch.

Ditch the head phones: We know, we know, it’s nice to pump up the jam when running. There’s nothing better than listening to Eye of the Tiger or a podcast to take your mind off of your burning quads or the repetitive­ness of putting one foot after the other. But blocking off such a crucial sense as your hearing can compromise safety in certain running conditions.

If you have to, use only one ear bud and make sure the volume is low enough that you can still hear what’s going on around you.

Run with a buddy: Bring a friend, or run with a dog. If you have to, or just prefer to run solo, tell someone where you’re going and when you’ll be back.

 ?? FRANCIS GEORGIAN ?? Running clothes and gear should incorporat­e multiple light sources, says Jennifer Campbell,
FRANCIS GEORGIAN Running clothes and gear should incorporat­e multiple light sources, says Jennifer Campbell,

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