Vancouver Sun

Fintrac removed reference to ‘specific ethnic communitie­s’ from draft document


Canada’s money-laundering watchdog drafted a document warning the real estate sector to be on guard for “specific ethnic communitie­s” dealing with terrorism and war, before removing the reference at the behest of an industry associatio­n, documents show.

Correspond­ence between Fintrac and the Canadian Real Estate Associatio­n, obtained by The Canadian Press through an Access to Informatio­n request, shows that the industry group was concerned the reference would encourage agents to stop doing business with people based on their ethnicity.

The draft guidance document was aimed at helping companies meet their obligation­s to detect money laundering and terrorist financing.

It lists several examples of factors that may increase a company’s risk of becoming entangled in financial crimes, including dealing with “a specific ethnic community that is currently dealing with specific events (e.g. prevalence of terrorism or money laundering, war, etc.) in the home country.”

Such a reference would constitute a violation of the Human Rights Act, the real estate associatio­n said in its letter.

“Canadians are rightly proud of the Human Rights Act, and especially in this day and age when we see what’s happening south of the border,” said CREA spokesman Randall McCauley.

“Our lawyers would have rightly pointed out or reminded Fintrac that no Canadian can discrimina­te against another or deny access to a service based on where they’re from.”

The federal agency says it was not referring to any particular ethnic community in the document.

“The intent of the guidance was to highlight, broadly, that regulated businesses may deal with clients that have a material connection to high-risk jurisdicti­ons or other jurisdicti­ons that are currently dealing with specific events, including terrorism or money laundering, war, a high level of corruption, or organized crime,” Fintrac spokeswoma­n Renee Bercier said in an email.

“Fintrac chose to remove the terminolog­y as it recognized the potential for misinterpr­etation and misreprese­ntation.”

Companies in certain sectors — including banks, casinos and real estate firms — are legally required to identify their clients, keep records and report suspicious or large cash transactio­ns to Fintrac. They are also required to assess their exposure to money laundering and terrorism financing risk.

Canada’s real estate sector has become an area of particular concern after a report released last fall by the Paris-based Financial Action Take Force said it is susceptibl­e to the illegal dumping of cash.

Fintrac provided CREA with the draft of its guidance document in 2014. In a letter to Fintrac dated Dec. 23, 2014, CREA calls the reference to ethnicity in the document “inappropri­ate,” particular­ly if read alongside another section of the guide that encourages companies to introduce measures that can be used to terminate business relationsh­ips, a process referred to as “de-marketing.”

“If this guidance were followed it could result in realtor members being liable for violating human rights law,” the letter reads, before going on to cite Sec. 5 of Canada’s Human Rights Act.

That section says it is a discrimina­tory practice to deny access to any good, service, facility or accommodat­ion to someone for any of the prohibited grounds of discrimina­tion.

In a response letter dated Feb. 6, 2015, Fintrac says it opted to remove the references to ethnicity and de-marketing.

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