Vancouver Sun


New Democrats have never won in B.C. without vote-splitting on centre-right


When candidate nomination­s closed last week for the May 9 provincial election, the B.C. Conservati­ves were in greatly reduced circumstan­ces from the last time out.

The Conservati­ves nominated just 10 candidates by the April 18 deadline, a far cry from 2013 when the party made its strongest showing in decades by fielding 56 candidates.

Those were heady days for the stand-alone provincial party.

In the year before the 2013 vote, they briefly pulled even with the B.C. Liberals in the opinion polls and, just as briefly, played host to an MLA defector from the government side.

The showing earned party leader John Cummins a seat at the election debates alongside Premier Christy Clark and the then leaders of the NDP and the Green party (Adrian Dix and Jane Sterk).

But with the cameras on, ex-MP Cummins faltered. The party had other problems as well, including illadvised comments on social media, internal discontent and the federal Conservati­ves even insisted a vote for the B.C. Liberals was the only way to keep out the B.C. NDP.

Cummins and his slate finished up with just five per cent of the popular vote, still the best showing since 1972 when the party took two seats and 13 per cent.

Cummins lost little time vacating the leadership after the votes were counted and hopes rose the next year when his successor was chosen. Dan Brooks, 40-ish, energetic and the father of eight, was the operator of a hunting lodge in the northwest. His specialty was hunting bull moose and his “come hither” imitation of the call of the lady moose was said to be unmatched.

Try to imagine how keenly those of us who live off the more colourful avails of B.C. politics would have welcomed the presence of a champion bull-caller in the arena.

But two years into his term, Brooks resigned in frustratio­n over a continuing legal wrangle with the man he defeated for the post. Later, with the legal situation suddenly resolved, he entered the race to succeed himself and secured the leadership a second time.

Then, in another of those developmen­ts that make the Conservati­ves a source of comic relief on the provincial scene, the party board ousted Brooks from the leadership on a technicali­ty.

“Being leader of the B.C. Conservati­ves is like being in an abusive relationsh­ip,” Brooks told reporters, before returning to the moosehunti­ng grounds.

As election 2017 approached, rumours persisted that the Conservati­ves were waiting for the right moment to re-enter the political arena.

There was a round of intrigue last March when the party nominated realtor Kay Hale as its candidate in the new riding of Richmond-Queensboro­ugh. She’d run for the B.C. NDP in one of the Richmond ridings a dozen years earlier.

Were New Democrats, like so many hermit crabs, angling to occupy the vacant shells of Conservati­ve riding associatio­ns, so as to mount vote-splitting drives against the Liberals?

Conspiracy theories notwithsta­nding, by the end of the nomination period, the Conservati­ves had mustered just the aforementi­oned slate of 10. Three are contesting safe seats for the New Democrats and four others are in seats regarded as relatively secure for the B.C. Liberals.

Three are running in seats — Cariboo North and the two in Maple Ridge – that could swing from the Liberals to the NDP on May 9.

But contrast that showing to campaign 2013 when the Liberals faced Conservati­ve challenger­s in pretty much every riding where they had a chance of winning.

The Conservati­ve party’s meagre presence in this campaign could have other implicatio­ns.

There are few rules in politics in B.C. But one proven reliable over the decades is that the NDP only wins with a split on the centre-right of the political spectrum.

The New Democrats won in 1972, 1991 and 1996 with about 40 per cent of the vote when the non-NDP vote was dispersed among several other parties.

Otherwise, the record for the NDP and its predecesso­r, the Co-operative Commonweal­th Federation, is 17 losses in 20 tries going back 85 years.

Yes, one can readily think of recent examples where convention­al wisdom was overturned.

The Conservati­ves were never going to lose power in Alberta. A guy like Trump couldn’t get elected president of the United States. The Remain side was bound to win the referendum in the United Kingdom

B.C. might be on the verge of that sort of upheaval as well. In the absence of Conservati­ve candidates in most ridings this time, Mainstreet, the company polling for Postmedia News, suggests the beneficiar­y could be the NDP.

“The B.C. Conservati­ves are no longer included in our surveys,” Mainstreet wrote this week after the release of a survey showing the NDP ahead.

“We have seen for several weeks B.C. Conservati­ve voters say they would vote NDP if there was no Conservati­ve candidate on the ballot.”

Then there’s the wild card presence of the Greens. The party platform positions them well to the left on taxation and spending. But privately, the Liberals worry the positive aspects of the Green brand are such that the party could siphon as many votes from them as the NDP.

Still, an NDP win on May 9 would be remarkable not only for ending 16 years in power by the B.C. Liberals.

It would be a break-the-mould outcome, where the New Democrats would finally show they could win without the proverbial split on the centre-right.

The B.C. Conservati­ves are no longer included in our surveys. ... We have seen for several weeks B.C. Conservati­ve voters say they would vote NDP if there was no Conservati­ve candidate on the ballot. MAINSTREET, company polling for Postmedia News

 ?? JASON PAYNE ?? When John Cummins was leader of the B.C. Conservati­ves heading into the 2013 election, many thought the party was poised to become a real presence on the provincial scene. Instead, Christy Clark’s Liberals won another term, and the Conservati­ves have...
JASON PAYNE When John Cummins was leader of the B.C. Conservati­ves heading into the 2013 election, many thought the party was poised to become a real presence on the provincial scene. Instead, Christy Clark’s Liberals won another term, and the Conservati­ves have...
 ??  ??

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