Vancouver Sun



Since childhood, I have loved being outdoors. I love hiking – breathing in the magical scent of a forest or taking in a vast expanse from a local mountain peak. But as I grew older, I saw how our activities were harming nature. Humans have become less aware of the natural world and more dissociate­d from their fellow creatures. At the same time, there’s so much to learn about them and how they communicat­e and rely on each other – indeed, how they express love and empathy, be they trees or elephants, whales or bees. For good or ill, we are the stewards of this miraculous blue planet and we must learn to live harmonious­ly with its other residents.

When I first heard about Ecojustice Canada Society, I instantly connected with its mission: to use the power of the law to protect and restore Canada’s environmen­t. Too often, government­s ignore their responsibi­lity to protect the voiceless – like the wildlife and wilderness that enrich our world. Ecojustice speaks for them. Its lawyers go to court to ensure government enforces its own environmen­tal laws, and they work to build better laws.

When I decided to draw up my will several years ago, I knew I wanted to leave a legacy gift to Ecojustice Canada Society. I gave the legal informatio­n to my lawyer and I found it to be a simple and straightfo­rward process. It’s a way of replacing my monthly donations and sustaining Ecojustice Canada Society for the long term. Because, sadly, they will be needed. We all have a responsibi­lity to care for our Earth and I strongly encourage others to consider making a gift in their wills, to support future generation­s and Canada’s natural legacy.

 ??  ?? Wendie Nelson
Wendie Nelson

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