Vancouver Sun


Party that has most to gain says it would not put issue to referendum

- VAUGHN PALMER Victoria­er

While the results are still being finalized from the 2017 provincial election, there’s speculatio­n about Greens and New Democrats combining forces to impose a new electoral system on British Columbians.

Both parties have expressed support for a system of proportion­al representa­tion where the seat count in the legislatur­e would more closely match each party’s share of the popular vote.

Based on last week’s preliminar­y count, the B.C. Liberals would have ended up with 37 seats (or thereabout­s — as opposed to 43), the New Democrats 35 seats (41) and the Greens 15 (3).

As the most obvious beneficiar­y of such a shift in voting systems, the Greens were unequivoca­l in their support for it.

“Introduce proportion­al representa­tion,” was one of more than 160 promises in the election platform Green Leader Andrew Weaver tabled at mid-campaign.

Weaver did not specify which system of proportion­al representa­tion would be implemente­d by a Green government, nor how the selection would be determined.

The New Democrats offered only qualified support for proportion­al representa­tion, making it conditiona­l on public approval in a followup referendum.

“We’ll hold a referendum on changing our voting system to a proportion­al system so that every vote counts,” said the party in its election platform. “We’ll ensure that all regions are represente­d fairly. And we’ll campaign for the Yes side.”

Far from endorsing a particular form of proportion­al representa­tion, B.C. NDP Leader John Horgan said he would research the options following the election.

Elsewhere the New Democrats promised to “consult British Columbians on the specific proportion­al reform to be put to a vote” in a referendum, which would be scheduled within the first two years of an NDP government.

In justifying the decision to actively campaign for a “yes” vote, Horgan cited the decision to remain neutral on the single transferab­le vote (STV), the variation of electoral reform that twice failed to secure the necessary threshold of approval in referendum­s in 2005 and 2009.

“I’m going to put forward a solution whether it be another variation of STV or some other form of proportion­al representa­tion. I’m going to campaign on it. And if it doesn’t succeed it won’t proceed.

“The New Democrats have in the past supported mixedmembe­r proportion­al (MMP) — mixed because some MLAs would be elected from constituen­cies and others from a pool of names supplied by the party. The option is controvers­ial because to create the pool either necessitat­es an increase in the number of seats in the house — hence more politician­s — or a reduction in the number of stand-alone constituen­cies — hence less local representa­tion — or both.

The prospectiv­e loss of local representa­tion led to MMP being rejected in favour of STV by the citizens assembly on electoral reform, set up by the Liberals before the 2005 referendum.

Nor did MMP fare all that well when submitted to Ontario voters in a referendum 10 years ago. More than 60 per cent voted to stick with the current system, known as first past the post.

The Greens have long expressed support for MMP as well. The party bombarded the citizens assembly with calls for MMP and then-leader Adriane Carr denounced the assembly for going with STV instead.

After last week’s election, the Greens indicated they would set up a panel of experts to determine the preferred form of proportion­al representa­tion. Once the selection was made, the party would support imposing it by majority vote in the legislatur­e, without further recourse to the electorate in a referendum.

“We would implement a form of proportion­al representa­tion without a referendum, that’s the difference between us and the NDP,” said Jillian Oliver, press secretary for the B.C. Greens.

But that distinctio­n may be evaporatin­g as the New Democrats angle for Green support in forming a government.

New Democrats have lately dropped hints that as part of a deal with the Greens, they might expedite approval of proportion­al representa­tion by a simple majority vote in the house as well.

Meaning a bare majority vote of 41 New Democrats and three Greens, if the current seat tally in the house survives the final count and any recounts.

Weaver, who this week began explorator­y talks with the B.C. Liberals and New Democrats, has hedged on whether an immediate shift to proportion­al representa­tion would be a condition for supporting one party or the other.

On Friday he told Rob Shaw of The Vancouver Sun that “the two things that are totally non-negotiable is banning big money and party status.”

The first is warranted because of the obvious backlash in the recent election, the latter because in a closely divided legislatur­e, the Greens need the resources and access that come with party status to keep the majors on their toes.

At other times, Weaver has indicated proportion­al representa­tion would be a must as well.

By way of justificat­ion, some Greens claim 57 per cent of British Columbians endorsed the shift in the recent election.

Not so. Some 40 per cent voted for the NDP view that the change should be put to referendum. Another 41 per cent voted for the Liberals, who said nothing whatsoever about changing the status quo.

Only 17 per cent voted for the Greens and their promise to fundamenta­lly change the system for electing government­s without giving British Columbians any further say in the matter.

We would implement a form of proportion­al representa­tion without a referendum, that’s the difference between us and the NDP.

JILLIAN OLIVER, Green party press secretary

 ?? DARRYL DYCK/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? B.C. Green party Leader Andrew Weaver and the NDP both support a system of proportion­al representa­tion in which the seat count in the legislatur­e would more closely represent each party’s share of the popular vote.
DARRYL DYCK/THE CANADIAN PRESS B.C. Green party Leader Andrew Weaver and the NDP both support a system of proportion­al representa­tion in which the seat count in the legislatur­e would more closely represent each party’s share of the popular vote.
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