Vancouver Sun

Sam Elliott stars in ‘fully loaded’ role

‘It’s nice to have something written for you,’ familiar mustachioe­d star says of The Hero


After nearly five decades as an actor, Sam Elliott is enjoying a career first: starring in a movie written just for him.

The iconic actor with the legendary slow drawl voice and marked moustache is front and centre of the new film The Hero, which opens June 30 in Vancouver at Vancity Theatre.

“It is nice to have something written for you as an actor,” Elliott said recently over the phone from Malibu, Calif. “I think that’s something any actor would want to realize. That’s the first time that has ever happened to me. I’ve had parts written for me over the years a few times, but never a full script.”

Elliott said the Brett Haley and Marc Basch script came to him “fully loaded,” after he had worked with Haley — who also directs and edits The Hero — on the film I’ll See You in My Dreams.

In The Hero, Elliott plays Lee Hayden, an actor well past his Hollywood heyday. These days, he makes his living doing voiceover work. When he’s not selling barbecue sauce, he’s smoking weed with his dealer and former co-star Jeremy (Nick Offerman).

Lee’s routine world is rattled to its laid-back core when he gets a dire medical diagnosis just as a much younger woman (Laura Prepon) enters his life, he’s given an award and begins to repair the relationsh­ip with his estranged daughter (Krysten Ritter). Suddenly, Lee, the star of a classic and cult western, has a paddock full of problem ponies.

At first glance, the connection between Lee the character and Elliott the actor seems pretty strong. Both have had long acting careers packed full of cowboys, lawmen and generally guys who ride horses. They also both draw paycheques by lending their voices to the advertisin­g world. But that’s where it ends, said Elliott, adding he does not sit around all day smoking weed and reliving glory days.

“It wasn’t that close to home. The fact the guy makes his living doing voice-overs and he’s an actor, that was about as close as it gets. Needless to say, it was fun to play,” said Elliott who, over the years, has pitched all the popular pickup trucks. Just for fun, think Dodge trucks and it’s likely you’ll hear the words, “Ram tough,” in Elliott’s baritone.

While Elliott’s resumé is as deep as the Grand Canyon, this film required him to be in almost every scene, but the stoic actor shrugged off thoughts of movie-carrying nerves.

“I like to think at this point I’ve got some sharp tools in my bag, so to speak, and you know, I just like to go in and work,” said Elliott, who first appeared in a movie in 1969’s Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid as card player No. 2.

“I enjoy working and I enjoy working with people who like working hard as well.”

And work hard they did as this movie was made in an astonishin­g 18 days on a budget of about $1.4 million.

The filmmakers did right by making this movie an Elliott vehicle. It’s his ability to drawl out each syllable and live in the quiet moments that keeps the viewer interested. There’s an authentici­ty to him that goes a long way to smoothing over the clichés.

“Nobody wants to make a bad movie, I know that. You do the best you can do, but you never know how it is going to play in the end. I, being on every page of it, wasn’t thinking, ‘I’m going to be incredible in this movie, it’s going to be great.’ And it really has yet to be seen,” said Elliott.

“It has been well received where it’s played in terms of the press and the film festivals. It has been incredibly well received. We’ll see what happens when it comes to putting seats in the theatre. That’s really the test.”

The film is very much about relationsh­ips and one of the best here is Lee and Jeremy. Former co-stars on a TV show, the pair has an easy and sometimes thoughtful camaraderi­e.

There is a wonderful chemistry between Elliott and Offerman.

“It came to me through Sam,” said Offerman in an online interview. “So he pitched me the movie before I read it. He said, ‘This young guy — Brett Haley — he’s real sharp. He wrote me this movie and I would love for you to play my buddy and weed dealer.’

“Once Sam Elliott says that, you say, ‘Yes, when and where, please.’ But then I read it — and it’s good writing.”

Elliott met Offerman on the set of the sitcom Parks & Rec where Offerman was a co-star and Elliott did a multiple-episode arc. The pair developed a friendship from that experience.

“There wasn’t anybody we thought about to play Jeremy other than Nick. He was the first and only choice,” said Elliott, whose wife of 33 years, Katherine Ross, shows up in the film as Lee’s former wife.

“I don’t recall anyone passed on it. We went out to the people we talked about and who we thought was best for the part and everyone responded to the material the same way.”

At the end of the day and at the heart of the story is Lee concerned about what he is leaving behind — relationsh­ips, work and history. He wants to be remembered.

Another difference between the character and the actor that Elliott pointed out.

“It’s about legacy,” said Elliott. “But I’ve never thought about my own legacy — ever.”

Elliot’s work will take care of that. His resumé includes films such as the Lifeguard, Mask, Tombstone, The Big Lebowski, Thank You for Smoking and The Hulk to TV turns on Justified and Grace and Frankie. Most recently he wrapped the much-anticipate­d Bradley Cooper starring/directing remake of A Star is Born.

“That was a lot of fun, a wonderful experience,” said Elliott about the film, which also stars Lady Gaga. “I can’t say enough about what I think about that kid. As a man, as an actor and now as a director, he just has it all. He’s a great guy.”

Oh, and just a cool did-you-know bit of info: Elliott, who has been the voice of Smokey Bear since the late 1990s, shares the same Aug. 9, 1944 birthday with the legendary, hairy PSA star.

“It’s incredible. My dad worked for the fish and wildlife service and we used to spend a lot of time in the Sierras when I was kid,” said Elliott. “We’d go up these trailheads and they’d have these big wooden things with Smokey Bear on them: ‘Only you can prevent forest fires.’ That thing came to me and it wasn’t about anything other than doing that voice. What a gift.”

As for his dad, what would he think of his son and Smokey’s relationsh­ip?

“He would be pretty proud,” said Elliott. “It would tickle him.”

I like to think at this point I’ve got some sharp tools in my bag, so to speak, and you know, I just like to go in and work.

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 ??  ?? Laura Prepon and Sam Elliott play pals and fellow potheads in The Hero, in which Elliott’s character is an aging actor who is facing death. At left, Elliott with Nick Offerman, who portrays the main character’s dealer and former co-star.
Laura Prepon and Sam Elliott play pals and fellow potheads in The Hero, in which Elliott’s character is an aging actor who is facing death. At left, Elliott with Nick Offerman, who portrays the main character’s dealer and former co-star.
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