Vancouver Sun

Bid made for non-binary birth certificat­e


ST. JOHN’S •Atransgend­er activist vying for a non-binary birth certificat­e is taking legal action against the Newfoundla­nd and Labrador government as part of an effort to have a gender other than male and female formally recognized on such documents.

Gemma Hickey has filed an applicatio­n with the province’s Supreme Court in St. John’s challengin­g the change-of-sex designatio­n provision of the Vital Statistics Act, saying it is unconstitu­tional and violates provincial and federal human rights legislatio­n.

“I have a responsibi­lity to myself as a person and to others like me because we essentiall­y are erased. We don’t have any way to identify to show that we exist. It’s a human rights issue,” said Hickey in a phone interview Friday.

“I would like my birth certificat­e to include how I identify. That would make me feel more fulfilled as a person and give me that legitimacy that I don’t have now.”

Non-binary means the person does not identify as male or female.

Hickey applied for a nonbinary birth certificat­e in April and is believed to be the first in Canada to do so.

On the change-of-sex designatio­n form there were only two options — male or female — so Hickey wrote in “non-binary” and checked it off.

Hickey says Service NL is still considerin­g the applicatio­n, and Hickey is without a birth certificat­e in the meantime, as the original was submitted with the applicatio­n.

The case will be in Newfoundla­nd and Labrador Supreme Court on July 28 to set a date.

The applicatio­n argues the Vital Statistics Act “is unduly onerous and discrimina­tory because it pathologiz­es gender identity, deviance and diversity.”

Hickey has taken testostero­ne and is transmascu­line, but identifies as nonbinary.

Having to choose between male and female is discrimina­tory, said Hickey, and has led to uncomforta­ble situations.

“When I go away and travel, they see my name is Gemma and that there’s a Ms. in front of it, and that leads to some embarrassi­ng situations,” said Hickey, who also runs a foundation to help survivors of sexual abuse.

“At one point I had a flight attendant argue with me because they thought I was in the wrong seat. These are situations that are embarrassi­ng because there’s other people around. It affects my mental health and the way that I see myself and takes a toll.”

Hickey said since applying for a non-binary birth certificat­e, people from all over the world have reached out.

“They’re thanking me because they identify as nonbinary,” said Hickey. “Even parents saying their kids are struggling with this and that they’re grateful I’m taking the lead.”

Joshua M. Ferguson, an Ontario-born filmmaker, applied last month to have a change of sex designatio­n from male to non-binary. Currently, Ontario offers gender-neutral options for drivers’ licences and health cards but not for birth certificat­es.

Ontario’s minister of government and consumer services, Tracy MacCharles, said last month gender-neutral birth certificat­es could be issued in Ontario as early as next year, provided the province can work out bureaucrat­ic hurdles involving other government­s.

Earlier this month, the Senate passed a bill that protects Canadians from discrimina­tion based on gender identity or expression.

Hickey’s lawyer, Brittany Whalen, said she will reference Bill C-16 during the July hearing.

 ?? PAUL DALY / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Gemma Hickey at Supreme Court in St. John’s.
PAUL DALY / THE CANADIAN PRESS Gemma Hickey at Supreme Court in St. John’s.

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