Vancouver Sun

Deliberati­ve polling route to electoral reform

Two-day forums’ aim is increasing­ly informed public, says Mark Crawford.

- Mark Crawford is a professor of political science who teaches Canadian Government and Democratic Theory at Athabasca University.

The new NDP government is committed to “making democracy work for people” as the first order of business this fall under the terms of its agreement with the Green party caucus. That deal promises a referendum in the fall of 2018 concurrent with municipal elections and an agreement to “work together in good faith to consult British Columbians on the type of proportion­al representa­tion (PR)” to be proposed.

Referendum­s pose two significan­t challenges to electoral reformers. The first is one of informatio­n: are voters sufficient­ly knowledgea­ble about the working of the electoral system and sufficient­ly motivated to learn, so as to be able to evaluate claims made for and against PR? The second is one of civic virtue: are voters, even if highly rational and well informed, sufficient­ly sensitized to the rights of minorities and to broader considerat­ions of the common good or are they inclined to simply opt for continuati­on of a near-duopoly on the grounds of self-interest if they happen to already support one of the two largest parties?

Opponents of PR can easily benefit from factual uncertaint­y and from the very marginaliz­ation of minority opinion that PR seeks to remedy. That is why many PR advocates reject the idea of a referendum altogether or would prefer a set of procedures that could somehow ensure that the debate leading up to the referendum better satisfies the criteria of “deliberati­ve democracy” — i.e. discussion that is more reasoned, other regarding, equal and inclusive than most referendum and election campaigns usually are.

One way of closing this deliberati­ve gap would be to strike a new Citizens’ Assembly and structure its interactio­ns with the legislatur­e, the media and the public in a different way. Unfortunat­ely, such an option is probably not realistic under present circumstan­ces because of the political precarious­ness of the government and the tightness of its legislativ­e timetable.

Neverthele­ss, there is another approach to improving the quality of referendum debates and therefore the chances of PR advocates to win them. Instead of a single group of individual­s spending an entire year of weekends exhaustive­ly studying a question and then coming up with a single immutable recommenda­tion that is presented to an unprepared public, a continuous series of smaller polling and voting events could take place, involving different groups of citizens meeting for a single weekend in the period leading up to the referendum. These “deliberati­ve polls” are typically two-day events that aim to reveal the conclusion­s the public would reach if it had the opportunit­y to become more informed and more engaged. The participan­ts are selected at random and are asked to respond to a set of survey questions and to study a pack of balanced briefing materials provided by the organizers beforehand.

During the weekend, the bulk of the work takes place in small groups that then feed back into plenary sessions where group members have the opportunit­y to put questions to a panel of experts. Then participan­ts are once again surveyed at the end of the process, indicating how successful deliberati­on has been in changing voter preference­s. These procedures have been used in several countries to help government deal with many issues, for example the discrimina­tion against Roma in Bulgaria, the future of electric utilities in Texas and the future of the monarchy in Australia.

Such mini-publics of course have the downside that many participan­ts will still have considerab­le gaps in their knowledge after just a two-day event. On the more positive side, the record of deliberati­ve polls shows an increase in agreement about which issues are the most salient and also the developmen­t of a more “other-regarding ” dimension in voter preference­s that narrows the range of disagreeme­nt about particular reform options. These two features could go a long way toward ensuring “good faith” consultati­ons in a context where both the committee and legislatur­e are likely to remain balanced on a hyper-partisan knife edge. If media coverage of results is sufficient­ly extensive, then there is an improved chance that B.C.’s voters will be more disposed to follow the example and advice of their fellow citizen-deliberato­rs than they have been in the past.

Without an extraordin­ary procedure of this kind, the cause of PR is likely to be portrayed and perceived in partisan terms with the vote in 2018 more of a referendum on the ruling NDP- Green alliance than a reasoned deliberati­on about how to improve our democracy. And that could mean another wasted opportunit­y.

 ?? JENELLE SCHNEIDER ?? Athabasca University Prof. Mark Crawford argues that deliberati­ve polling could be a more “other-regarding” route to electoral reform in B.C. as the practice’s track record shows an increase in agreement about which issues are more salient.
JENELLE SCHNEIDER Athabasca University Prof. Mark Crawford argues that deliberati­ve polling could be a more “other-regarding” route to electoral reform in B.C. as the practice’s track record shows an increase in agreement about which issues are more salient.

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