Vancouver Sun


Action Sports Forum in Whistler puts the focus on females pushing their athletic limits


When Casey Brown first started riding bikes, she didn’t stop to think about being a girl in a boy’s world.

“For me, it has never been an issue being a girl because I’ve never gotten on my bike and felt like, ‘Oh, I’m different from these guys,’ ” she says. “I’ve always gotten on my bike and gone, ‘Oh, I’m just going for a bike ride.’

“We’re all the same.” While the Revelstoke resident refused to feel inferior when she set out to ride, she acknowledg­es that isn’t always the case for young girls who are looking to compete in a male-dominated sport.

“Change your mindset, I think that’s the main thing,” she advises up-and-comers.

Brown points to preconceiv­ed notions of how boys and girls are supposed to act, look, feel and dress as the biggest hindrances to young people following their dreams.

“I feel like a lot of the reason girls are like that is because when you go through the school system ... and society, you’re taught certain ways you’re supposed to be,” she says. “And if you latch onto that, that’s ... going to train your brain to be afraid of things.

“We need to totally tear it down and have a total rebuild. Because I hate seeing these little girls who are scared to do something.”

Fast-forward several years and countless rides and Brown’s fearlessne­ss — and an abundance of talent, of course — has led her to the top of the podium in competitio­n many times.

“At the beginning of the WhipOff, there was no women’s category, so I was just competing against the guys,” she said of her chosen sport, which sees riders rip down a mountain trail or track, whizzing through the air and performing gravity-defying “whips” by cranking their bike sideways in mid-air. “It was a big struggle. And I wanted to be as good as the guys — or better.”

Her confidence appears to be paying off as she notched her fifth consecutiv­e Official WhipOff World Championsh­ips title at Crankworx in Whistler last week.

These wins and her straightta­lking personalit­y have helped her become a role model for women in the mountain-biking world — even if she’s not quite ready to use the title herself.

“I don’t really think about that,” she says with a laugh when asked about how she feels about little girls looking up to her.

But regardless of whether or not she has paused to consider her role-model status, she’s pleased to be a part of the sport’s evolution in a time that’s seeing a whole host of new riders ushered in.

“I was stoked because I knew it was going to bring more women into it,” she says of the decision to introduce women-only categories. “Because I knew it was going to make it less intimidati­ng.

“Now, instead of like three chicks showing up for the Whip- Off, there are like 15 chicks showing up.”

Brown says the shift has “pushed the edges of the sport” to introduce competitiv­e mountain biking to more people — not just women.

“The more girls that are getting put on big teams, that’s when the industry is actually figuring out that women have a place in the sport and they actually have a huge pull,” she says. “Then there’s more room for up-and-comers. There’s huge growth right now and I’m super stoked to be a part of that push to see girls actually get paid — because they deserve it.”

She’s hopeful that the more riders who join the sport — both men and women — the more people are out enjoying nature and learning about it.

“Because that means more people who are going to respect it,” she says.

But the truth is women in action sports are still a story, though admittedly much less so than they maybe once were.

“It’s because it’s uncommon,” Brown says of the continued buzz around women competing in previously male-dominated events.

This and other topics such as overcoming fears and injuries were the topic of a public forum, aptly dubbed the Women in Action — Action Sports Forum presented by Red Bull Saturday at Crankworx.

Brown was joined by Brazilian pro surfer Maya Gabeira and freestyle skier Kaya Turski, who calls Vancouver home, to discuss their chosen profession­s.

A healthy sized crowd sat in the rows of folding chairs, others spilling out onto the grass beyond. In the moments before the panel began, a roster of all-female riders filled a long table, signing autographs for elated fans — most of them young women and girls.

“It shouldn’t be like, ‘Girls can do it, too’ — it should be like, ‘Yeah, girls are doing it,’ ” Brown says. “Of course they can.”

We need to ... tear it down and have a total rebuild. Because I hate seeing these little girls who are scared to do something.

 ?? RED BULL ?? Freestyle skier Kaya Turski, left, and surfer Maya Gabeira, right, join bike racer Casey Brown on Saturday at the Women in Action — Action Sports Forum at Crankworx in Whistler.
RED BULL Freestyle skier Kaya Turski, left, and surfer Maya Gabeira, right, join bike racer Casey Brown on Saturday at the Women in Action — Action Sports Forum at Crankworx in Whistler.

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