Vancouver Sun

Capping off a career



The “sweetness of proportion”, the 17th century English playwright and poet Ben Jonson once said, and o, how missing it is in the modern Canada.

Consider the trial of Ontario Court Judge Bernd Zabel.

Well, all right, it wasn’t a trial exactly, but rather a hearing — the equivalent of a guilty plea — before a panel of the Ontario Judicial Council.

But no mistake: The 69-year-old judge could not have committed a more heinous crime.

I am utterly confident that had he assaulted someone in his courtroom, urinated upon the common street or appeared drunk in public, the outcry would have been far less great than it was for the crime he has admitted.

Eighty-one complaints — a record number — poured into the judicial council, most within a few weeks. Staff at that genteel office must have fainted. Last Nov. 9, Zabel wore a red “Make America Great Again” ball cap into his courtroom.

It was the morning after the U.S. presidenti­al election.

Donald Trump was then the president-elect, and “Make America Great Again” was his major campaign slogan.

Millions of Americans and Canadians both were still reeling. There was much gnashing of teeth and sky-is-falling panic. TV talking heads were near tears, unable, as the jargon has it, to “process” the fact that they had been so wrong.

As Linda Rothstein, the “presenting counsel” at the hearing — as opposed to a prosecutor, such a lawyer is supposed to merely present the evidence — said Wednesday at one point, “It was the view of many Canadian commentato­rs and pundits that this (Trump’s election) was a terrible thing?”

She was questionin­g Zabel at the time. He replied, “Yes.” He said he too had been shocked by the results. “Shock is one thing,” Rothstein said. “But this was, for many, many people, a really terrible thing?”

“Yes,” said Zabel.

She asked if he understood that many feared Trump’s election was “a licence for increased racism and discrimina­tory behaviour”?

Again, Zabel said yes.

Over the course of his testimony, he explained the hat-wearing by saying that he’d been making a joke, trying to “add a bit of humour” to the proceeding­s. He’d stayed up until the wee hours, watching the results; he’d bought the hat (and four others, which he gave to unnamed friends) in June of 2016, when, he said, Trump had won the nomination, but no one gave him a chance.

He’d kept the hat in a desk drawer in his chambers. He wore it in the judges’ common room once, to guffaws, then never looked at it again until the morning after the election.

“I put on my robes,” he said. “I was still in a state of disbelief ... that it had happened. I knew it would be discussed in the courtroom, I just thought it would add a bit of humour.”

On the way to the elevator, he ran into a couple of other judges, one Marjoh Agro. She said something like, “What are you doing with that stupid thing?”

Actually, Judge Agro testified too, and what she remembers is this: “I looked at him and said, ‘Are you out of your mind?’”

She also said, “I remember that day all too well. I deeply regret not ripping that hat off his head.”

Agro also wrote a letter – as did 62 others, including many judges and lawyers — in support of Zabel, pointing out that by wearing the hat, many “interprete­d that as an endorsemen­t of the election result supported by 62,979,636 Americans, which left much of the world shocked and dismayed because of Trump’s image as a racist, misogynist­ic incompeten­t.” Agro wrote, she said, “in testament to the contrary.”

She has known Zabel for 40 years, she said, found him respectful and fair to people of all background­s, and if anything, a booster of women; he certainly went to bat for Agro, and encouraged her to apply for the bench.

In court on the fateful day, when Zabel walked in and people stood, there was audible tittering.

“Just in celebratio­n of a historic night in the United States,” he said. “Unpreceden­ted.” A defence lawyer said, “I should have worn my shirt, Your Honour.”

The judge placed the hat in front of him, the slogan visible. At the morning recess, he took it back to his chambers and put it in the drawer.

Later, after the lunch break, the matters before him done and no other courts needing help, court adjourned. The recording was meant to stop then, but a trainee was at the helm, and left it running.

As Zabel was heading out, prosecutor Janet Booy remarked, “You’ve lost your hat.”

“Brief appearance for the hat,” Zabel said. “Pissed off the rest of the judges because they all voted for Hillary, so. I was the only Trump supporter up there, but that’s okay.”

(Since Canadians, even judges, can’t vote in U.S. elections, it’s clear that Zabel was using the verb “vote” as many do, who say, for instance, “I’m voting for the Habs.”)

It was, of course, a remarkably boneheaded thing the judge did by wearing the hat; I have seen ordinary people embarrasse­d and admonished in court for hat-wearing. His comments were even more dopey.

But by all accounts, he’s been a fine judge for 27 years and has an otherwise unblemishe­d record.

As Judge Agro said, of course judges talk about politics. “Judges are human beings; we watch TV, listen to radio, read newspapers. We do have opinions, on public policy, sports. We talk about our children.

“We don’t live in rabbit holes. So most certainly we talked about the American election.”

Other than “wearing a stupid hat into court”, she said, she has absolutely no concerns if Zabel were allowed back on the bench.

It was Linda Rothstein who said the Zabel story should serve as “a caution to judges, and lawyers, to be very careful” about the language they use and “whether it has the capacity to offend.”

After all, giving offence is the most egregious Canadian crime.

The hearing panel has reserved its decision.

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