Vancouver Sun



High-ranking military officials have become an increasing­ly ubiquitous presence in American political life during Donald Trump’s presidency, repeatedly winning arguments inside the West Wing, publicly contradict­ing the president and even balking at implementi­ng one of his most controvers­ial policies.

Connected by their faith in order and global norms, these military leaders are rapidly consolidat­ing power throughout the executive branch as they counsel a volatile president. Some establishm­ent figures in both political parties view them as safeguards for the nation in a time of turbulence.

Trump’s elevation of a cadre of current and retired generals marks a striking departure for a country that for generation­s has positioned civilian leaders above and apart from the military.

“This is the only time in modern presidenti­al history when we’ve had a small number of people from the uniformed world hold this much influence over the chief executive,” said John McLaughlin, a former acting director of the CIA who served in seven administra­tions. “They are right now playing an extraordin­ary role.”

In the wake of deadly racial violence in Charlottes­ville, Va., earlier this month, five of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were hailed as moral authoritie­s for condemning hate in less equivocal terms than the commander in chief.

On social policy, military leaders have been voices for moderation. The Pentagon declined to immediatel­y act upon Trump’s Twitter announceme­nt that he would ban transgende­r people from the armed forces, instead awaiting a more formal directive that has yet to arrive.

Inside the White House, meanwhile, generals manage Trump’s hour-by-hour interactio­ns and whisper in his ear — and those whispers, as with the decision this week to expand U.S. military operations in Afghanista­n, often become policy.

At the core of Trump’s circle is a seasoned trio of generals with experience as battlefiel­d commanders: White House chief of staff John Kelly, Defense Secretary James Mattis and national security adviser H.R. McMaster. The three men have carefully cultivated personal relationsh­ips with the president and gained his trust.

Critics of the president welcome their ascendancy, seeing them as a calming force amid the daily chaos of the White House.

“They are standouts of dependabil­ity in the face of rash and impulsive conduct,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn. “There certainly has been a feeling among many of my colleagues that they are a steadying hand on the rudder and provide a sense of consistenc­y and rationalit­y in an otherwise zigzagging White House.”

William Cohen, who served as defence secretary under former president Bill Clinton, said that Trump “came in with virtually no experience in governance and there’s no coherent strategic philosophy that he holds. There has been a war within the administra­tion and that has yet to be resolved ... The military has tried to impose some coherency and discipline.”

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., an army veteran who served two tours in Iraq and Afghanista­n, praised Trump’s circle of generals and recommende­d McMaster and Kelly for their posts. He said the impression in some quarters that military leaders are hawks by definition is misguided.

“What many people in Washington don’t understand is that generals are usually the most reluctant to commit to troops to combat because they are the ones who have to write letters home to parents when they have fallen,” Cotton said.

Among some parts of the right, however, the view is more suspicious. Some Trump supporters, for example, worry about blurring the line between military and civilian leadership, as exemplifie­d by recent headlines at Breitbart News, the conservati­ve website run by Stephen Bannon, Trump’s former chief White House strategist who clashed with several military leaders over policy.

Trump’s announceme­nt Monday that he would escalate troop levels in Afghanista­n was covered on Breitbart with alarm. Headlines warned of “unlimited war” and “nation building” led by military leaders without a link to Trump’s base.

Commentato­r and Trump ally Ann Coulter tweeted on Monday, “The military-industrial complex wins.”

The concerns extend to the political left as well. At Think Progress, a liberal website, recent articles have rapped Trump for having a government that benefits “military insiders.” One headline earlier this month declared: “Military figures are taking over the Trump administra­tion.”

Trump has revered military brass since his youth, when he attended a New York military academy. He holds up generals as exemplars of American leadership, and also views them as kindred spirits as fellow political outsiders.

“To some degree, Trump is playing president, and I think the whole idea of being able to command a group of warriors is deeply satisfying to him in ways that some psychologi­sts would have to assess,” McLaughlin said.

Robert Hathaway, a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center, said, “It should not surprise us. Candidate Trump suggested he would defer to the people he called ‘my generals’ on a whole host of issues, and they are doing just that.”

Trump idolizes swaggering commanders, such as the cinematic portrayal of George S. Patton Jr., the Second World War general. But R. James Woolsey Jr., a former CIA director and undersecre­tary of the navy who advised Trump during last year’s campaign, said a better comparison to Kelly, Mattis and McMaster would be George C. Marshall Jr., a commander in the Philippine-American war who went on to serve in President Truman’s cabinet.

“I think these guys are more Marshall-like than Patton-like,” Woolsey said. “They have distinguis­hed combat records, but they’re the sort of career military men who have the intellectu­al capability and propensity to deal with civilian matters.”

Kelly, Mattis and McMaster are not the only military figures serving at high levels in the Trump administra­tion. CIA Director Mike Pompeo, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Energy Secretary Rick Perry and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke each has served in various branches of the military, while Trump recently tapped former army general Mark S. Inch to lead the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

Together with other allies in the administra­tion, Kelly, Mattis and McMaster see their roles not merely as executing Trump’s directives but also as guiding him away from moves they fear could have catastroph­ic consequenc­es, according to officials familiar with the dynamic.

But if a narrative takes hold that these generals are manipulati­ng the president, Trump could rebel. He chafes at any suggestion that he is a puppet or at the idea of his advisers receiving credit for his decisions. He reacted angrily in February when Time magazine put Bannon on its cover with the headline, “The Great Manipulato­r.”

In his first month as chief of staff, Kelly has kept a low profile, sitting for no major interviews and discouragi­ng aides from self-promotion.

Democratic lawmakers are quick to criticize Trump on just about every issue, but they hold back when it comes to the prepondera­nce of military figures in traditiona­lly civilian positions.

“There might be a temptation to be critical of the president in this context, but I for one am glad they’re there — because they’re thoughtful ... because they’re lawful and because they’re rational,” Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, said in an interview. “I feel like the concern about the need to maintain civilian oversight of the military is a totally legitimate one, but that concern should be addressed at a later time. In the meantime, we should be reassured that there are competent profession­als there who want to make smart choices.”

That position is shared by many figures in the Republican establishm­ent who worry about Trump’s ideas and temperamen­t.

“The only chance we have of trying to keep this thing from blowing apart is some military discipline,” said Peter Wehner, who served in the three Republican administra­tions prior to this one and who opposes Trump. “It’s not military rule or a military coup.”

 ?? ALEX BRANDON / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, a decorated former battlefiel­d commander, stands in the door of Air Force One as he watches U.S. President Donald Trump in Reno on Wednesday. Trump’s elevation of current and retired generals marks a striking...
ALEX BRANDON / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, a decorated former battlefiel­d commander, stands in the door of Air Force One as he watches U.S. President Donald Trump in Reno on Wednesday. Trump’s elevation of current and retired generals marks a striking...
 ??  ?? H.R. McMaster
H.R. McMaster
 ??  ?? James N. Mattis
James N. Mattis

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