Vancouver Sun


Championin­g the ‘Poet of the East’


A fellow with a slogan on his T-shirt got his 15 minutes of fame during last weekend’s Vancouver rally against opponents of mass immigratio­n and Islamic practices.

“Meet a Muslim & ask about Islam,” said the T-shirt of the smiling unidentifi­ed young man, who sported a black beard, sunglasses and blue baseball cap.

Photos of the T-shirt attracted a torrent of “likes” on social media. Enthusiast­ic commenters praised the “meet-a-Muslim” message as what is needed in this era of Canadian hyper-diversity in ethnicity and religion.

Alas, most people don’t get the chance for anything more than a superficia­l exchange with a Canadian Muslim, of which there are more than one million (70,000 in Metro Vancouver). And in this secularize­d era, most certainly don’t get into a discussion about orthodox Islamic beliefs.

The lack of connection may be why many non-Muslims remain polarized. One camp points mainly to the horrors of Islamic extremism in Barcelona, London, Nice and even parts of Canada, while the other holds demonstrat­ions against what it maintains is irrational “Islamophob­ia.”

The way out of ignorance lies in the middle, in a synthesis of these poles. Is it possible Islam, the religion of 1.3 billion people, does contain its share of ultra-conservati­ves and militants? But could it also be many Muslims seek progressiv­e, moderate leadership?

I’ve had the privilege to know Muslims in Canada and around the world. In my personal life, and in work with the Internatio­nal Associatio­n of Religion Journalist­s, I’ve become colleagues and friends with Muslims in North America, Europe, Malaysia, Lebanon, South Africa, Algeria, Pakistan and elsewhere.

Internatio­nal networks have also led me to Farhan Shah, who was born in Pakistan, collaborat­es closely with North American philosophe­rs and theologian­s and is now at the University of Oslo.

Shah’s hope for the future of his Muslim brothers and sisters lies largely in the life and teaching of a great Pakistani poet, philosophe­r, lawyer and statesman.

If North Americans think the time is right to “meet a Muslim,” they would do well to follow Shah’s lead and get to know Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938).

Iqbal was a devout Sunni Muslim and mystic who studied in England and Germany, but campaigned early for Pakistan’s independen­ce 70 years ago this month from India. Iqbal blended Islamic theology and western philosophy to arrive at a dynamic form of Islam.

As a critic of stultified forms of Islam, Iqbal has inspired Muslims from India to Sri Lanka, Pakistan to Iran. He was a democracy advocate who campaigned for human rights.

Shah is convinced Iqbal is the kind of visionary thinker needed to combat the hardening of Muslim practice and theology in many corners of the world.

Like Iqbal, Shah believes the Qur’an is an essentiall­y freedomori­ented holy book, which sees positive change as the greatest signs of God.

Like Iqbal, Shah also says Muslims need to adjust their image of Allah.

“My prime concern is related to the spreading of an Islamic theology of fear and fatalism based on an archaic, capricious and dictatoria­l conception of God,” Shah said in an email.

“(Many Muslim) dogmas generate servile adherence to ‘holy men’ (mullahs) without utilizing the power of reflection. By shutting down our faculties of critical reason, we tend to bolster patriarcha­l, anti-humanistic and repressive ideas.”

Shah, who is in the theology department at the University of Oslo, says it’s essential to reconstruc­t Muslim world views based on what Iqbal was convinced are “the key values of the Qur’an — that is, the inalienabi­lity of human dignity, justice and freedom.”

Why exactly has Shah become one of the foremost champions of Iqbal, who is often known as the “Poet of the East”?

Why highlight the man whose name proudly appears on hospitals, sports stadiums and universiti­es throughout Pakistan (the source country for almost 200,000 immigrants to Canada)?

Shah learned from his parents at a young age to value Iqbal for his open-mindedness, religious self-criticism (known as “ijtihad” in Arabic) and eagerness to usher Muslims into the 20th century.

Iqbal taught that all humans have dignity and all things are interconne­cted. Influenced by western philosophe­rs such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Henri Bergson and Alfred North Whitehead, Iqbal taught life is a dialectic and that everything is in a process of becoming.

Humans are co-creators with God, or, as Iqbal put it, “viceregent­s of the divine.”

The ultimate aim of Islam, the Pakistani thinker said, is “to disenthral­l man from fear, and thus to give him a sense of his personalit­y, to make him conscious of himself as a source of power.”

Though Iqbal was influenced by the famous Persian poet, Rumi, he opposed the Sufi Muslim idea that humans are mere drops of water merging passively into a divine ocean. Iqbal emphasized self-realizatio­n, human agency and respect for all human beings, whom he considered equals in a kind of spiritual democracy.

Iqbal also rejected the fatalistic belief among Muslims and others that God is in total control, like a dictator. Shah writes passionate­ly about the kind of reforms Iqbal’s theology could animate across a troubled Islam.

“There can be no revitaliza­tion and reform within Muslim communitie­s that are riddled with endless cycles of sectarian clashes, blind imitation, intellectu­al stasis, patriarcha­l structures, human right abuses and ideologica­l quagmires,” Shah says.

These might be heady ideas for many Canadian Muslims and non-Muslims, who on a weekly basis have to deal with the more thorny challenge of finding perspectiv­e on negative news stories about Muslims.

They include recent articles about the expansion of female genital mutilation into Canada, the conviction of a Port Coquitlam imam for sexual assault and polls showing Canadian Muslims, like Christian evangelica­ls, are less tolerant than others of homosexual­ity.

In the face of similar setbacks in his era, however, Iqbal taught that humans must be ready to move beyond old habits and reform. The Pakistani poet believed Allah helps humans do that, by being a non-coercive lure towards creative transforma­tion.

For North Americans who wish to move beyond polarized views of Islam, they could do a lot worse than learning about the courageous life and wise world view of Mohammed Iqbal.

Corporate-welfare subsidies (in B.C.) have long been delivered via tax credits to the film sector ... such politicall­y inspired credits encourage investment into activities based on something other than rational economic grounds. Mark Milke

Iqbal blended Islamic theology and western philosophy to arrive at a dynamic form of Islam.

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 ??  ?? University of Oslo Muslim theologian Farhan Shah, a follower of Muhammad Iqbal’s teachings, says his “prime concern is related to the spreading of an Islamic theology of fear and fatalism based on an archaic, capricious and dictatoria­l conception of...
University of Oslo Muslim theologian Farhan Shah, a follower of Muhammad Iqbal’s teachings, says his “prime concern is related to the spreading of an Islamic theology of fear and fatalism based on an archaic, capricious and dictatoria­l conception of...
 ??  ?? Muhammad Iqbal
Muhammad Iqbal
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