Vancouver Sun

NDP hiring partisans by the dozen to fill high-paying government jobs


B.C.’s NDP government has stacked its new offices and the province’s communicat­ions branch with dozens of former party workers and partisan loyalists in the kind of patronage hiring spree it used to decry under the previous Liberal government.

The new NDP administra­tion has awarded lucrative taxpayerpa­id government jobs to campaign managers, field organizers, digital communicat­ions specialist­s, financial agents and constituen­cy assistants, according to a Postmedia analysis of government cabinet orders used to make the hires.

In one case, the NDP hired Kassandra Dycke, the party’s failed 2013 candidate in CourtenayC­omox, to an $80,000 ministeria­l assistant job to Health Minister Adrian Dix. When the previous Liberal government in 2013 hired several of its defeated candidates, then-critic John Horgan was irate.

“That seems to be the foundation of the B.C. Liberals’ jobs plan: Every time we look at the orders in council, there’s a new failed candidate who has been given a sizable pay increase and is now working on the government dime,” Horgan said on July 4, 2013.

“There are no job qualificat­ions for them. (Were) they interviewe­d for the positions against other qualified candidates? We have a basement teeming with interns — young capable people who don’t profess to have a partisan stripe, working for both caucuses. Did they have an opportunit­y to get one of these jobs?”

But the Horgan government has followed the same path as the Liberals. Now in power, it doesn’t view those types of hires as a problem.

“It is both normal and necessary to hire staff who share the government’s vision and can implement its commitment­s,” the premier’s office wrote in an emailed statement.

“Our government has been fully transparen­t about its staff appointmen­ts, including salaries,” the statement, released Tuesday, read.

The government’s ministeria­l assistant and communicat­ions jobs are littered with young New Democrats, former Alberta and federal NDP staff, 11 former NDP constituen­cy assistants and at least six former Vision Vancouver staffers, including the party’s previous digital director and manager of youth engagement. Executive director Stepan Vdovine quit in August to work as an NDP assistant. Former Vision parks board chair Niki Sharma, a lawyer, was also hired to a similar job.

The new ministeria­l assistants include Caelie Frampton, an NDP digital campaigner in the 2017 election; Sarena Talbot, an NDP field organizer; Lori Ann Winstanley, a veteran NDP campaigner who most recently worked at the MoveUp union; and Christian Romulo Avendano, a canvasser and fundraiser for the party during byelection­s in 2016. The salaries range between $72,000 and $94,500 for senior assistants.

The Liberal Opposition said it’s calculated an almost 27 per cent increase in the amount the public is spending on ministeria­l staff under the new NDP government.

“The increased politiciza­tion of government communicat­ions is very disturbing and reflects another broken NDP promise,” Liberal caucus spokesman Shane Mills said in a statement. “There are more political staff in ministers’ offices now and budgets have gone up substantia­lly.”

It’s been common for government­s to hire partisan loyalists as aides in ministeria­l offices. However, the NDP sharply criticized the practice while in opposition.

But it’s not only the partisan patronage hires that have raised eyebrows.

The government used public resources to create a new Better B.C. website — using a tag line employed by the NDP during the election — that regurgitat­es the three priority areas of the NDP campaign. On an email sign-up page, the government privacy contact listed is Karl Hardin, the NDP’s digital director during the election campaign whom the Horgan government has hired as an executive director in its communicat­ions branch.

The upper ranks of the new government communicat­ions wing are also partisan New Democrats, including several who worked for the 1990s NDP government, as well as former NDP caucus employees. The new director of event services, Rick Devereux, was the NDP’s 2017 election tour director.

The Better B.C. website also features a video in which actors praise the NDP government for following through on election promises like eliminatin­g bridge tolls. The video was made by Stephen Hargreaves, a newly hired producer in the communicat­ions branch who most recently produced the NDP’s 2017 election campaign videos.

The increased politiciza­tion of government communicat­ions is very disturbing and reflects another broken NDP promise.

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