Vancouver Sun

Halloween hit parade features some true classics

In honour of Halloween, Jim Reyno takes a look at some chilling, creepy — and fun — musical moments through the years.


Scariest album cover: Black Sabbath, Black Sabbath (1970). Looks like the Blair Witch posed for an album cover. I remember seeing this in a mall in Halifax when I was a kid — it haunted me all the way to the food court.

When a ballad isn’t a ballad,

part 1: Elvis Costello, Alison (1977). Costello has denied it, but the song could easily be interprete­d as a lover plotting the murder of his newly married ex: “I think somebody better put out the big light.” And, of course, the chorus: “Alison, I know this world is killing you / Oh Alison, my aim is true.” Great vocal, though!

When a ballad isn’t a ballad,

part 2: The Police, Every Breath You Take (1983). The brooding, bass-driven song was a massive hit, topping the charts in five countries — including this one. Misinterpr­eted by many as a love song, Sting told The Independen­t in 1993: “It sounds like a comforting love song. I didn’t realize at the time how sinister it is. I think I was thinking of Big Brother, surveillan­ce and control.” I guess. “Every breath you take, every move you make, I’ll be watching you.” Cue the restrainin­g order.

Peace offering?: Ozzy Osbourne gets hungry and horrific at a 1981 record-label event. In maybe the most infamous moment in modern music history, a drunk Osbourne bit the heads off — not one — but two doves. The original plan was for Ozzy to release three doves after a short speech, as a symbolic peace offering to executives at Epic Records.

Who knew zombies could dance?:

Michael Jackson’s Thriller video (1983). An event. Everyone wanted to see this when it came out, whether they admitted it or not (I didn’t). A groundbrea­king 14 minutes of choreograp­hed, mock-horror funk. The funk of 40,000 years, according to Vincent Price.

The sweet spot: The Strangelov­es, I Want Candy (1965). Who doesn’t want candy? It’s Halloween! This sweet song incorporat­es the Bo Diddley beat and has been covered by many over the years, including Bow Wow Wow in 1982. The new wave band’s version was included on the soundtrack for the 2004 film Napoleon Dynamite, which is still a great source for Halloween costumes. #vote4pedro

Time Warp forever: The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975). If Napoleon Dynamite is a great source for Halloween costumes, this campy, music-crammed classic is the mother ship.

Witchy Women: Eagles, Witchy Woman (1972); Fleetwood Mac, Rhiannon (1975); Kate Bush, Waking the Witch (1985). Don Henley sings about a ravenhaire­d, ruby-lipped seductress with sparks flying from her fingertips. Stevie Nicks tells of a catlike woman who is the darkness, but just might take you to heaven. Bush’s tale is a harrowing account of a woman accused of being a witch by a priest and the local “good people.” Anyway you look at it — double, double toil and trouble.

Howl like you mean it: Warren Zevon, Werewolves of London (1978). Recorded with John McVie and Mick Fleetwood from Fleetwood Mac … but who cares? Let’s get to the chorus: “Aaoooooo! Werewolves of London! Aaoooooo!”

There, there … : The Rolling Stones, Sympathy for the Devil (1968): Lucifer confesses his sins in this classic kickoff track to the Beggars Banquet album.

Marilyn Manson: Self-explanator­y. Manson’s persona is an updated version of …

Leave a light on: Alice Cooper, Welcome to My Nightmare (1975): The golf-loving shock rocker takes listeners through the nightmares of a child. Known for his gory stage shows, Cooper released a sequel in 2011 (Welcome 2 My Nightmare).

It’s a deal!: Virtuoso violinist Niccolò Paganini (1782-1840) and blues icon Robert Johnson (1911-1938) are among those musicians rumoured to have made a deal with the devil to advance their art.

That’s one hot fiddler: Charlie Daniels Band, The Devil Went Down to Georgia (1979). Satan picked on the wrong guy when he challenged Johnny to a fiddling contest. After Johnny wins, he calls the devil a “son of a bitch.” Now that’s just rude.

AAAAAAHHHH­HH!: The shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960). It’s been outgored thousands of times since, but the murder of Marion Crane (portrayed by Janet Leigh) in the shower still wins for drama, tension and that unforgetta­ble soundtrack, composed by Bernard Herrmann. The highpitche­d shrieks from the string section echo the thrusts of the knife.

Stay off the ice: Kate Bush, Under Ice (1985). The musician’s chilling, first-person account of a skater falling through ice into a lake stays with you. The choppy, stringlike synthesize­rs sound like a skater’s strides … until they stop. Waking the Witch and Under Ice are both from Bush’s album Hounds of love.

THE Halloween essential: Bobby (Boris) Pickett and the CryptKicke­rs, Monster Mash (1962). Christmas gets Irving Berlin; Halloween gets Bobby (Boris) Pickett. Monster Mash is the all-time All Hallows’ standard. Who doesn’t know at least the chorus to this song? Makes me want to slip on a plastic mask, grab my pillow case and hit the streets for some trick-ortreating.

 ?? SONY ?? The late King of Pop Michael Jackson danced with zombies in 1983’s groundbrea­king, 14-minute Thriller video.
SONY The late King of Pop Michael Jackson danced with zombies in 1983’s groundbrea­king, 14-minute Thriller video.
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