Vancouver Sun


Women given access to sports events

- AYA BATRAWY The Associated Press

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Saudi Arabia will allow women into sports stadiums as of next year, the kingdom’s latest step toward easing rules on gender segregatio­n — but they will be seated in the so-called family section, an area separate from the male-only crowd.

Still, the decision announced Sunday marks another incrementa­l step toward greater women’s rights in the kingdom.

The General Sports Authority described the decision as one that will allow “families” into the stadiums — a term authoritie­s use to refer to the public spaces that accommodat­e women.

These “family” sections are for women who are out on their own or who are accompanie­d by a male relative. Many restaurant­s and cafes, which often also have separate entrances for women, have similarly segregated seating arrangemen­ts.

The authority said the three major sports stadiums in the capital Riyadh and the cities of Jeddah and Dammam will undergo renovation­s to accommodat­e families.

The decision comes after the public appeared to welcome a decision to allow women to drive next year. Many also responded enthusiast­ically when women were allowed into the Riyadh stadium for national day celebratio­ns last month.

It’s a stark reversal from years of allowing only men into the stadiums, many built with hundreds of millions of dollars when oil prices were nearly double what they are now. The government spent lavishly on the stadiums in an effort to appease its young population and provide spaces for fans eager to cheer on local clubs, as well as hold national parades and ceremonies.

Two years ago, a Saudi woman was arrested while attending a soccer game in Jeddah’s King Abdullah Sports City, which opened to the public in 2014. Police were quoted in local media at the time as saying security spotted her at the stadium “deliberate­ly disguised” to avoid detection.

Over the years, there have been some exceptions for foreign women. In 2015, an Australian female soccer fan was permitted to attend a match at Riyadh’s main stadium and a group of American women travelling with members of U.S. Congress watched a local club match, also in Riyadh.

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