Vancouver Sun

Site C running over budget: BCUC

Regulator’s 299-page report questions dam timeline, Hydro’s forecasts


Premier John Horgan’s NDP government faces a tough political decision over the future of B.C.’s largest constructi­on project, despite a report Wednesday that said the Site C dam is over budget, behind schedule and poses a growing financial risk to taxpayers.

The B.C. Utilities Commission released its final study into Site C, which outlines a series of problems, cost overruns and missed opportunit­ies to pursue alternativ­e clean power, in what proved to be a 299-page rebuke of former Liberal premier Christy Clark’s signature hydroelect­ric project.

“The BCUC is not persuaded that the Site C project will remain on schedule for a November 2024 inservice date,” says the report, released Wednesday morning. “The panel also finds that the project is not within the proposed budget of $8.335 billion.

“Currently, completion costs may be in excess of $10 billion.”

The report provided ample ammunition to the NDP government, which campaigned on putting Site C to an independen­t review to see whether it was truly necessary or an expensive boondoggle.

But Energy Minister Michelle Mungall urged caution on Wednesday when asked if the government was preparing to cancel the project and lay off more than 2,000 workers just before Christmas.

“We appreciate this is tough on everyone. This is not an easy decision, this is a very serious decision and we are taking it very seriously,” she said. “That’s why we want to have a decision by the end of this year.”

The Liberals called on the NDP to not throw away billions in work already done for a project that would provide energy for 100 years. But Horgan and his cabinet are under significan­t pressure from the environmen­tal wing of the NDP and the government’s B.C. Green partners, whose votes keep the NDP in power and who want Site C killed immediatel­y.

“This should be viewed as the final nail in the coffin of Site C,” said Green Leader Andrew Weaver, who has previously warned the NDP it would face fierce blowback if it allows the dam to proceed.

“Ultimately, it is a political decision. We criticized the B.C. NDP for simply wanting to delay. They have a very difficult decision to make. The decision in my view is clear. This provides the evidence needed to say the Liberals were fiscally reckless to put this project forward.”

In August, the new NDP government asked the utilities commission to examine the cost of continuing, pausing or cancelling Site C. Wednesday’s report concluded it would be more expensive to pause the project ($3.6 billion in additional costs) than cancel it ($1.8 billion in additional costs). Since constructi­on started in 2015, B.C. Hydro has spent $2.1 billion.

“The suspension-and-restart scenario adds at least an estimated $3.6 billion to final costs and is by far the most expensive of the three scenarios,” the report says. “In addition, the panel considers it the most risky scenario.”

In response, Mungall said the government would no longer consider pausing the project, and the cabinet would confine itself to deciding whether to cancel or continue constructi­on.

However, simply pushing through to complete the dam presents risks.

“The total cost at completion may be in excess of $10 billion as there are significan­t risks remaining, which could lead to further budget overruns,” the report says. An analysis by consulting firm Deloitte warned cost overruns could lead to a final bill of $12.5 billion.

The independen­t regulator also accused B.C. Hydro of having “excessivel­y optimistic” energy demand forecasts, and not giving enough weight to viable alternativ­es to the dam.

“The panel believes increasing­ly viable alternativ­e energy sources such as wind, geothermal and industrial curtailmen­t could provide similar benefits to ratepayers as the Site C project with an equal or lower unit energy cost,” the report says.

However, even those alternativ­es come with risk. “Estimates of the amount of load curtailmen­t available could be overly optimistic,” the report says. “The cost of wind may be higher than estimated. There may actually be no geothermal potential. In any of these cases, Site C would have a lower cost to ratepayers, provided it avoided the risks it faces.”

Commission chairman David Morton said the panel’s alternativ­e energy comparison includes optional time-of-use pricing, in which customers would pay more for electricit­y during peak periods. “We’re far more aggressive in our demand-side management assumption­s and I think that’s justifiabl­e because many jurisdicti­ons in North America are much more aggressive than B.C. Hydro,” Morton said.

Neither the NDP nor Liberals have committed to time-of-use pricing, perhaps fearing a backlash from ratepayers who could face a surcharge for using their electric oven or heating sources during peak dinner and evening periods.

The previous Liberal government started constructi­on on the dam, southwest of Fort St. John, in 2015. The Liberals had exempted Site C from any review by the BCUC.

The NDP has long argued the project’s power is unnecessar­y and too expensive when compared to alternativ­e sources like wind, solar and geothermal.

Reaction to the report Wednesday was mixed.

The B.C. Chamber of Commerce said the economic impact of Site C is important, and the project still has merit.

The Sierra Club of B.C. said the case for Site C was blown apart by the BCUC report.

Robert McCullough, an energy analyst hired by the Peace Valley Landowner Associatio­n, called the BCUC report “courageous” for its repudiatio­n of Hydro’s figures and assumption­s.

“Virtually every point that they made has been wildly thrown out,” he said. “There’s a pretty strong mandate for following the economic logic, and the economic logic is, through no one’s fault, this old project has been overtaken by events.”

After years of insisting the project was on time and on budget, B.C. Hydro in October admitted the project had missed a key 2019 river diversion deadline, was an estimated $610 million over budget, and was behind schedule. Hydro blamed engineerin­g and geotechnic­al problems, including two tension cracks on river banks. One of the partners in the main civil works contract also filed for bankruptcy.

A report by Deloitte LLP said Hydro was over-budget on its main civil works contract from the moment work began and had eaten into 77 per cent of its contingenc­y budget on that contract two years into its eight-year schedule.

This should be viewed as the final nail in the coffin of Site C. … This provides the evidence needed to say the Liberals were fiscally reckless to put this project forward.

 ?? B.C. HYDRO ?? A final report by the B.C. Utilities Commission on the Site C hydroelect­ric dam project says if completed, cost overruns could cause the budget to exceed $10 billion.
B.C. HYDRO A final report by the B.C. Utilities Commission on the Site C hydroelect­ric dam project says if completed, cost overruns could cause the budget to exceed $10 billion.

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