Vancouver Sun

Interim disburseme­nts level legal playing field

Separated spouses can be ordered to front costs in litigation, says Laurie H. Pawlitza.

- Financial Post

Family law cases can be complex.

Many provinces have legislatio­n requiring a separating couple to value their assets and debts at the date of marriage and the date of separation or trial and “equalize” the difference. All provinces have laws in place that set out the way in which a spouse’s income must be calculated when determinin­g child and spousal support.

While determinin­g the value of some assets is relatively straightfo­rward, many assets or debts are not nearly so easy to value.

Sophistica­ted legal assistance and expert valuation advice may be required. Chartered business valuators, accountant­s and actuaries are frequently called upon to assist the lawyer, the client and the court on issues that can range from valuing shares held by a spouse in a private company, to whether the value of a debt owed to a party should be discounted because it may not be collectibl­e.

But what happens when the parties are not in an equal financial position? As contingenc­y fees are not available in family law, how can a spouse with few assets or little income retain the profession­als required to allow the moneyed spouse’s experts to be “tested” or even hire counsel to argue the matter in court?

In Ontario, the answer is found in Rule 24(12) of the Family Law Rules, which say, “a Court can make an order that a party pay an amount of money to another party to cover part or all of the expenses of carrying on the case, including lawyer’s fees.” Other jurisdicti­ons in Canada have similar rules.

A separated spouse in litigation can ask a court before trial for what are known as “interim disburseme­nts,” orders that the wealthier spouse pay an amount to the spouse in need to use for lawyers and experts.

There is a threshold test before interim disburseme­nts may be granted. In 2003, the Supreme Court of Canada in B.C. v. Okanagan Indian Band, confirmed that to be entitled to interim disburseme­nts, a litigant must show that the case cannot proceed unless the funds are granted. In addition, the party must show that their position is sufficient­ly meritoriou­s to warrant pursuit, and that special circumstan­ces exist to allow the Court to exercise this extraordin­ary remedy.

The threshold for these payments in family law cases, however is not as high. In Ontario, a family law litigant need not demonstrat­e that she or he is entitled to an “extraordin­ary remedy.”

The leading family law case of Stuart v. Stuart confirms that the court may exercise its discretion to order payments under Rule 24(12) simply to “level the playing field,” so that both are equally able to provide or test disclosure, make or consider offers and possibly advance to trial. Stuart specifical­ly requires, however, that the amounts requested be necessary and reasonable.

Stuart does require that the balance of the Okanagan test be met, confirming that the spouse seeking disburseme­nts must show an incapacity to fund the amounts and that there must be a meritoriou­s claim.

Wealthier spouses can take heart in the judge’s cautionary note in Stuart, however, when she warned that a payment under Rule 24(12) does not immunize the recipient spouse from having costs ordered against her or him in the litigation, and that the payment should not be one that gives the recipient a “license to litigate.”

That said, once the threshold in Stuart has been passed, the amounts paid to the recipient spouse can be significan­t: In Ontario, awards of $150,000 to $250,000 are not uncommon; in Alberta, awards have been as high as $500,000.

While this may sound like a windfall for the recipient spouse, in many complex matters, one spouse alone may spend $50,000 or more on experts’ fees, with legal fees being in excess of that amount. While experts have an obligation to the court to be independen­t and not act as an advocate for either party, reasonable experts often disagree. Valuation is as much of an art as a science, and varying valuation approaches can result in experts being several hundred thousand — or even several millions of dollars apart.

In most cases, if an order is made under Rule 24(12), the amounts may simply be an advance by the moneyed spouse to the other against a payment that is ultimately due.

When making an order for interim disburseme­nt, the court has discretion to decide both when the payment must be made by the wealthier spouse, and the way in which a payment will be accounted for.

Often the payment is advanced against a future equalizati­on (property) payment owing by the wealthier spouse. Family law litigation can be an expensive propositio­n, but interim disburseme­nts can help balance the scale.

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