Vancouver Sun


British Columbia needs a full inquiry to assess the risks, Ben Parfitt writes.

- Ben Parfitt is a resource policy analyst with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternativ­es.

Last year, more natural gas was produced in British Columbia than at any point in the past decade.

That may come as a surprise to some people who thought that growth in B.C.’s natural gas industry hinged on the emergence of a liquefied natural gas sector. It does not.

The reality is that even without a much-hyped LNG industry, natural gas production in B.C. jumped 70 per cent over the past decade, with major customers — including Alberta’s oilsands industry — fuelling that growth. And the situation is poised to intensify, with one major player in the industry predicting a doubling of natural gas production and a fivefold increase in the output of gas byproducts (including pentane, butane and condensate) within just two years time — again, absent LNG.

The ecological, safety and climate costs associated with producing all that fossil fuel are generally very poorly appreciate­d by those of us living in the urban southwest corner of the province. But ask people living on the front lines about the consequenc­es — the First Nations, farming families and rural communitie­s in the northeast of B.C. — and a litany of problems is quickly listed off:

A troubling increase in earthquake­s. Contaminat­ed groundwate­r and surface water sources. A sprawling network of unauthoriz­ed dams. Rapidly escalating industrial water use and contaminat­ion. Massive fragmentat­ion of Indigenous lands and lost opportunit­ies to carry out traditiona­l hunting and fishing activities. Concerning increases in methane emissions at gas wells and other natural gas industry facilities. Ongoing threats of sour gas leaks that can kill and maim.

The time is long overdue for a wide-ranging formal public inquiry into how natural gas is produced in the province.

What changes are needed? We know that every unit of increased gas production in B.C. requires the use of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking — brute force technology that rams massive amounts of water below the Earth’s surface to “liberate” gas.

Until recently, the B.C. government — which heavily promoted LNG — was utterly dismissive of any suggestion that fracking posed risks. But with a new minority government, the door may finally be opening for natural gas drilling and fracking to get the long overdue public scrutiny it deserves.

One thing not talked much about during the spring election is that the NDP’s 2017 campaign platform called for a review of fracking.

“Most of B.C.’s natural gas is produced using hydraulic fracturing, a process that has been used in northeaste­rn B.C. for decades,” the platform read. “With the potential of a significan­t expansion of gas production in the years ahead, we will appoint a scientific panel to review the practice to ensure that gas is produced safely, and that our environmen­t is protected. This will include assessment of impacts on water and, given recent minor earthquake­s in the area, what role gas production has in seismic activity.”

Given the known impacts associated with recent fracking operations in the province, the NDP’s commitment is a starting point. But to be meaningful and effective, that commitment must go well beyond simply appointing a scientific panel.

The reasons why are numerous. Here are just a few.

In August 2015, the largest

■ earthquake anywhere ever scientific­ally linked to a fracking operation occurred in northeast B.C. — a 4.6 magnitude tremor.

B.C. Hydro is so concerned ■ about its Peace River dams — among the most critical infrastruc­ture in the province — that it has quietly succeeded in outlawing fracking near those facilities.

Water use at B.C. fracking

■ operations is off the charts. In the rush for water, fracking companies built dozens of unlicensed dams across the northeast of the province to trap freshwater used in the fracking process while failing to notify those First Nations most directly impacted, let alone the public at large.

Methane is leaking into

■ the atmosphere at numerous gas well sites. There’s every reason to believe that at numerous sites it has also contaminat­ed groundwate­r sources.

Given such realities, a full public inquiry is the least British Columbians deserve: an inquiry where public meetings are held, where witnesses are called and testify under oath, where independen­t experts provide services as needed and where a final public report is issued.

Such an inquiry should not be limited to scientific questions — in many cases, the science is already in — but should focus squarely on the risks associated with fracking and what should be done about them, including taking a hard look at the adequacy of provincial regulatory oversight and enforcemen­t, and the compliance of fracking companies with existing laws and regulation­s. It should also cast a wider net addressing such important questions as:

■ Have natural gas companies and provincial regulators appropriat­ely consulted with First Nations as required by law and the UN Declaratio­n on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples?

■ What is the true extent of public health and safety risks associated with fracking, including the risks posed by industry-induced earthquake­s?

■ Where are outright bans on fracking warranted, and what other steps should be taken to comprehens­ively protect human health and safety?

■ What are the environmen­tal and water impacts?

■ How much could accelerate­d gas drilling and fracking increase B.C.’s overall greenhouse gas emissions, and what should be done to ensure that industry emissions move steadily down, not up?

■Does B.C.’s Oil and Gas Commission adequately monitor the fracking industry, ensuring it complies with all relevant laws? Is it transparen­t, and does it keep the public fully informed?

■ If monitoring and enforcemen­t actions are inadequate, what changes are necessary to ensure that natural gas companies comply with all relevant laws and regulation­s?

There is a long history in B.C. of periodical­ly subjecting the management of the province’s forests to independen­t public scrutiny. To date, no such scrutiny has been focused on the province’s oil and gas sector. Our new provincial government would provide a valuable public service in immediatel­y rectifying that.

A full public inquiry is the least British Columbians deserve … (focused) squarely on the risks associated with fracking and what should be done.

 ?? IAN SMITH/FILES ?? Natural gas production in B.C. jumped 70 per cent over the past decade, without an LNG sector, writes Ben Parfitt.
IAN SMITH/FILES Natural gas production in B.C. jumped 70 per cent over the past decade, without an LNG sector, writes Ben Parfitt.

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