Vancouver Sun

In pursuit of the perfect exercise

Trendy online workouts may have more wow factor than true value


Can exercises be defined as good or bad? In other words, are some exercises better than others at helping people realize their fitness goals? And who determines an exercise’s worth? Is it the instructor at the front of the class or the person doing the exercise?

When it comes to choosing one exercise over another — pushups versus chest press, for example — an often-posed question is which exercise is best? But what most people actually want to know is, which exercise offers the best bang for the buck.

There’s no easy answer for either question given that not everyone’s goals are based on getting bigger, stronger or faster. Hence, the peril in labelling an exercise good or bad. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to getting in shape, which means an exercise that works for an athlete preparing to compete in the Olympics may not work for someone trying to regain muscle lost through aging or inactivity. And the type of exercises performed by a bodybuilde­r whose goal is to build mass may not be appropriat­e for someone trying to improve the time it takes to run a marathon.

Efficacy isn’t the only bar when it comes to establishi­ng an exercise’s worth. It also needs to do no harm, which means a good exercise brings with it a low risk of injury. But, again, who has the expertise to determine whether the risk of doing an exercise is worth the reward? And given that athletic performanc­e is often improved by pushing the body outside of its comfort zone, what’s considered too risky for some is an acceptable risk for others.

All of these questions are worthy of reflection, given the number of people now following workouts offered online. Without commenting on the expertise of those leading workouts on Instagram or YouTube, suffice to say that exercises featured on public forums aren’t suitable for all members of the public. And since trainers profiting off of the number of views, likes and shares have a tendency to choose exercises based on wow factor instead of what works best for the anonymous masses, it’s worth second-guessing whether an exercise featured on the internet is right for you.

Take a pushup, for example. For many, the traditiona­l take on this exercise is challenge enough. And speaking from experience, the ability to perform a pushup in good form from start to finish still eludes plenty of fitness buffs. But if you log onto the internet for your workouts, a traditiona­l pushup is considered ho-hum. Instead, they’re being done with one foot in the air, hands far apart or close together, both legs on a bench or both hands on a medicine ball, to name just a few of the popular variations. And given that a poorly executed exercise offers fewer results than one performed perfectly, not to mention the increased risk of injury, sometimes ho-hum is better than wow.

Given all the ways an exercise can be modified, not to mention the number of exercises themselves, it’s worth circling back to the assertion that the best exercises are those that help realize your goals, while at the same time taking into account your fitness level and individual circumstan­ces, including any health issues or physical limitation­s. So the potential to produce the best results is the best measure of an exercise.

Does that mean each and every exercise needs to be vetted and held up to the highest possible bar? Not necessaril­y, but it does mean it’s possible that your workout routine is overloaded with random exercises that don’t match your goals, which is why it isn’t delivering the kind of results you’re looking for.

So what kind of expertise is needed to determine which exercises offer the greatest reward and acceptable level of risk? Don’t get sucked into believing that a fit body and lots of social media followers equates with the knowledge needed to fine-tune your exercise routine.

Anyone with a chronic health condition or physical limitation­s should seek a health-care profession­al like a physiother­apist, osteopath or athletic therapist for advice. Athletes looking to improve performanc­e will get the best results from consulting with a strength and conditioni­ng specialist.

And for someone looking to improve their general fitness, a certified personal trainer or fitness instructor can steer you toward exercises that offer the best bang for your buck.

Keep this advice in mind the next time you’re tempted to try a new exercise based on the promise that it’s better than the exercise you’re currently doing.

Lots of exercises, workouts and exercise machines are oversold based on the premise that they can do it all. But what you’re really looking for is not whether an exercise can do it all, but how well it can do what you need it to do.

 ?? JOHN MAHONEY ?? The traditiona­l pushup may be ho-hum for some fitness buffs, but they’re still the norm for profession­al athletes such as football player Malcolm Carter.
JOHN MAHONEY The traditiona­l pushup may be ho-hum for some fitness buffs, but they’re still the norm for profession­al athletes such as football player Malcolm Carter.
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