Vancouver Sun


- Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Dialogue presents Conversati­ons That Matter. Join veteran Broadcaste­r Stuart McNish each week for an important and engaging Conversati­on about the issues shaping our future. Please become a subscriber and support the

Many people still believe frailty is associated with aging. We used to think it was an inevitable part of growing old. However, frailty is not a natural part of aging. There is more and more research that demonstrat­es we can avoid frailty.

As you age, you can make a choice to avoid frailty and keep yourself functionin­g independen­tly longer by getting informed and participat­ing in your health. Basically you have two choices: you can work to ensure your body functions optimally, or you can sit back and allow mother time to slowly chip away at your body and your mind. The challenge, of course, is that sitting back is the antithesis of aging well. Even if you have chronic health conditions, it is possible to exercise, eat well and get involved. In fact it is the best way to prevent frailty. When you stop moving, stop exercising your body and your brain, stop socializin­g, the consequenc­es not only shorten your life, they increase suffering.

There is a tsunami of boomers headed north of 70. I’m one of them. We’re in the pre-frailty stage of our lives. The good news is we are learning a lot through research on how to identify frailty early and intervene sooner. Some of the leading research on frailty is done here in Canada and what we are learning is changing how doctors practise and what seniors can do to stay well. In order to age well you need to learn how to avoid frailty.

Dr. John Muscedere of the Canadian Frailty Network is committed to fighting frailty. He joins us this week for a Conversati­on that Matters on why frailty is the fight of our lives and what we and everyone involved in health care can and need to do about it.

 ??  ?? Dr. John Muscedere
Dr. John Muscedere

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