Vancouver Sun

What should you spend on groceries?


If your family is anything like mine, food is one of the biggest line items in the monthly budget — and that doesn’t include takeout or restaurant outings for a bit of a quick respite from the daily grind of meal prep.

Day in, day out, we buy (and eat) a lot of food. According to Statistics Canada, the average Canadian household spends just over $500 a month at the grocery store — depending on where you live, however, that number could be a lot higher. One question I get asked a lot is: How much is too much to spend on groceries every month — and is there a guideline to help build a realistic budget?

The Credit Counsellin­g Society, a non-profit debt counsellin­g service in Vancouver, suggests people budget 10 per cent to 20 per cent of gross income at the grocery store. So, if you’re bringing home $70,000 a year, your bill should top out between $583 and $1,166 a month. (Note: that figure doesn’t include eating out.)

Depending on how big your family is, it could be challengin­g to stretch that budget. But there are ways to bring down your grocery bill. All you need is a bit of extra time, a calculator and a few good recipes to pull it all together.

Make a list — and stick to it:

Research from the University of Pennsylvan­ia shows that shopping without a list can increase your grocery bill by 23 per cent due to unplanned purchases. A list will help you stay focused and buy only the things you need.

Add generic brands to your cart:

When it comes to your favourite foods, buying generic may not always make the grade. But for some items — medication­s, garbage bags, cleaning products and spices — going generic is a no-brainer. While the price difference might not seem like that much, the savings really add up. By their calculatio­n, bloggers Three Thrifty Guys saved 25 per cent in one shop just by buying generic over brand name.

Plan your meals: Canadians throw out a stunning amount of food — $31 billion every year or 4.5 kg a week for the average family, depending on which study you read. The food waste adds up to about 20 per cent of the average Canadian grocery bill. The key to reducing food waste is not to buy too much — and that’s where meal planning comes in. If you know what you’re going to eat through the week, you can shop accordingl­y so food doesn’t sit in the fridge uneaten. Tote your leftovers for lunch and pick recipes with ingredient­s that can be used for other meals.

Go meatless: According to Statistics Canada, the average household spends $1,194 a year on meat such as chicken and beef. Cutting out meat can shave a significan­t portion off your monthly food bill.

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