Vancouver Sun



“I don’t have pet peeves like some people. I have whole kennels of irritation.” — Whoopi Goldberg

In this deal from my local club game, North was contemplat­ing opening two clubs when he was irritated to hear West (playing with one of the less simpatico members of the club) open three diamonds in front of him.

That didn’t leave him much else to do but double and hope that partner did not insist on playing hearts. The worst happened when South bid and rebid hearts, and North had no option but to pass and pray.

West led out his two top diamonds and continued the suit at trick three. Prospects were not good for declarer at this point, but ruffing low or discarding looked hopeless, so he ruffed the third heart with dummy’s queen and was over-ruffed with the king.

Suddenly, South sensed light at the end of the tunnel. He won the club return in dummy and finessed the heart 10 successful­ly. When the remaining trumps fell under the ace, he was safely home.

North would not normally have done more than congratula­te his partner, but given his opponents, he saw the opportunit­y to insert the needle, by remarking how unusual it was to have 28 HCP and no game makeable. When East remarked acerbicall­y that South had made game, North smiled and said that just because game had made did not mean it should have. Do you see why?

If East discards on the heart queen and splits his honors on the first round of trumps, he ensures two trump tricks for his side and defeats the contract.

ANSWER: Brace yourself: This hand is an absolute minimum for a two-spade call, but you should still make that bid. Your ruffing value and honor in spades mean that you are offering partner something that will surely be useful, while denying the opponents some space. So gird your loins and enter the fray!

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