Vancouver Sun


Schools must implement bans or limits on devices in class, writes Spencer Baines.

- Spencer Baines is a teacher at South Delta Secondary School.

It’s 8:30 a.m. and I’m standing in front of a sea of teenagers huddled at their desks, their heads uniformly turned downward, the blue light of their smartphone­s illuminati­ng their faces.

For a moment, I feel like I’m living an episode of Black Mirror, a satirical Netflix series that takes place in the near future and provides an exaggerate­d take on the dangers of modern technology, including smartphone­s and social media.

But I’m not an actor in a sci-fi series. I’m a teacher in the Delta school district who works with 15- and 16-year-old students, and I’m alarmed at their obsessive smartphone use.

There’s no question in my mind that when you give a teenage student 24/7 fingertip access to an array of social media platforms — Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat — you have a recipe for a disengaged, lethargic, addicted and ultimately unhappy youth.

The problems that arise from excessive social media have been well documented and cut across all ages, genders, races and socioecono­mic brackets. They include depression, social anxiety and insomnia.

Perhaps most insidious is the paradox of being “socially connected” at all times, but feeling more isolated and lonely than ever.

As an adult having recently crossed the threshold into my 30s, I look back on my social media use among family and friends, at work, and attending classes at university. I realize I was not much more discipline­d than many of the kids I teach today. It’s probably fair to say most of us are addicted, in varying degrees, to smartphone technology.

But there is something else going on here. We know rates of teenage depression and anxiety have been on a sharp rise in recent years. Some of this uptick may simply be an increase in clinical diagnosis, but most would agree these disorders are becoming more prevalent.

The reasons have been as well-documented as the effects. Social media apps like Instagram and Facebook are designed to show the highlight reels of other peoples’ lives. When our “friends” share these experience­s with us, we subconscio­usly suffer feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, and dissatisfa­ction with our lives. Potentiall­y more damaging, these social media platforms serve as vehicles for popularity contests. The more “likes” you get, the cooler you are.

Now sit back and try to imagine the impact on teenagers. They are already in an awkward and confusing time in their life, rife with feelings of insecurity, the need to fit in, and powerful hormonal changes.

With social media, their feelings of self worth and validation can depend entirely on how many “likes” they get, so it naturally follows that they feel compelled to incessantl­y check their phone to see how they are performing. For every “like” they get, their brains get hit with a spike of dopamine, further reinforcin­g their addictive tendency to check their phones in the search of another dopamine hit.

And with all-hours access to their phones, there is no refuge.

As teachers, we are daily witnesses to the negative aspects of smartphone usage. Every day, we see students wandering around the halls with their heads buried in their phones, oblivious to each other’s company and the world around them.

Ironically, when I ask students about their Snapchat, Instagram and overall phone use, their response is almost always the same: They recognize it may be a problem and agree it’s addictive and detrimenta­l to their learning. Even more disturbing, they agree it may not be good for their mental health.

So if we know about the negative effects these phones are causing our teenagers, and they know the problems they are causing in their lives, why aren’t we doing more to help them curb their addiction? Why aren’t we banning, or at least taking stronger measures, to limit smartphone use in our schools?

One common objection is students need to learn how to regulate and responsibl­y monitor their personal use. While this reasoning makes sense in theory, it doesn’t hold up in real life. We can’t expect anybody — adult or youth — whose world is defined by social media to control their smartphone obsessions without outside support.

Another argument is smartphone­s can be used for educationa­l purposes. To this point, I would say — at least in my school district — we have ample computers and laptops to accommodat­e this.

Another well-worn objection is parents need to be able to contact their children at school. Let’s remember one archaic but effective means of getting in touch — calling the school office. It seems to have worked well for the last century or so.

I realize that, given the ubiquity of smartphone­s, banning or restrictin­g them would be met with stiff resistance. It would also require the creation and implementa­tion of a compliance program that would be time consuming, controvers­ial and distractin­g. And unless there was district-wide, or at least schoolwide, conformity the system would gradually and inevitably break down.

But we can’t be daunted by these challenges. Our teenagers live in a brave new world and we have to provide them with brave new solutions to ensure their school experience is healthy, happy and productive. From where I stand, they have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Perhaps most insidious is the paradox of being ‘socially connected’ at all times, but feeling more isolated and lonely than ever.

 ?? MAURO PIMENTEL/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Adults know the negative effects excessive smartphone use has on teenagers, and teens are also aware of the problems they create, so why aren’t we having a serious discussion on limiting their use in schools, asks Spencer Baines.
MAURO PIMENTEL/AFP/GETTY IMAGES Adults know the negative effects excessive smartphone use has on teenagers, and teens are also aware of the problems they create, so why aren’t we having a serious discussion on limiting their use in schools, asks Spencer Baines.

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