Vancouver Sun

The quartet was presented with a bit of a fait accompli — a questionna­ire about public attitudes on electoral reform drafted in advance.

Academics sought out for input, but survey questions raised eyebrows


When the New Democrats recruited four academics to vet the public consultati­ons on electoral reform, they asked them to take a vow of silence about the government’s methods, process and findings.

“You are one of four academics invited to provide advice and would be privy to confidenti­al informatio­n, including draft materials and related commentary,” read the formal invitation from the Ministry of the Attorney General.

“As a condition of your participat­ion, we ask that you agree to abstain from public comment or academic research related to the B.C. government’s survey methodolog­y, survey results or consultati­on process.”

The letter went out last Nov. 3 to four political scientists with expertise in electoral reform: Maxwell Cameron from the University of B.C.; Genevieve Fuji Johnson, Simon Fraser University; Jonathan Rose, Queen’s University; and Peter Loewen of the University of Toronto.

The first three have spoken favourably about the need for electoral change. Only Loewen has much good to say about the status quo firstpast-the-post system.

But from the outset, the quartet was presented with a bit of a fait accompli — a questionna­ire about public attitudes on electoral reform drafted in advance by the government, with a tight time frame to offer comments and shape the final version. All four wrote back over the next week or so, doing their best to shorten, clarify, correct and add balance to the initial draft. Not all of the advice was taken.

“Are you planning a citizens’ assembly?” asked Prof. Johnson, suggesting an assembly or some other form of public review would be critical to build support and understand­ing. “Voters have to become very familiar with the alternativ­es to our political system and the reasons why they are stronger. This can’t be rushed.”

Despite the caution against rushing, the New Democrats had already put the process on the fast track.

“We do not have time to do a citizens’ assembly process,” returned Neil Reimer, director of strategic initiative­s in the AG’s ministry and the lead public servant on electoral reform process. “We have been given fairly tight timelines.”

I’ll say. The date of that email — obtained by the B.C. Liberals under an access-toinformat­ion filing, like other documents quoted here — was Nov. 13. Two days later, Reimer got back to Johnson and her colleagues with a revised questionna­ire and solicited a second round of feedback, with responses due by noon on Nov. 17.

The following week, the New Democrats launched the public engagement process and the final version of the questionna­ire.

Included on the How We Vote website was a carefully crafted nod to the limited role played by its four external academic advisers.

“They reviewed the questionna­ire and voting system informatio­n presented on this site. They are not responsibl­e for the website’s design or content.”

Next morning, all four received a cautionary email from Kevin Atcheson, the senior policy and legislatio­n analyst in the Justice Services Branch.

“We understand you may receive media requests on the topic of electoral reform and your role in the review of the government’s educationa­l material and questionna­ire,” it began before acknowledg­ing that they were, of course, free to comment on the wider referendum process and voting systems in general.

But then came a reminder of the terms on which they entered into the exercise in the first place: “As indicated in the letter requesting your participat­ion, please refrain from commenting on the specific advice you provided and whether that advice was followed.”

Particular­ly the latter. Much as the New Democrats were happy to cite the four as validators, the last thing they wanted were mouthy academics critiquing the process, the questionna­ire and the possible results.

Besides, as one of the quartet disclosed, “I provided some feedback on the survey, but that’s about it.” The more important role in shaping the final text of the survey was the one hinted at in another of Reimer’s emails: “Our minister’s office has also had input.”

Last week, Attorney General David Eby ducked questions from the B.C. Liberals about the role played by the political staff in his office. Tuesday he admitted all.

“My office did guide the questionna­ire,” said Eby, suggesting that his staff had no choice but to take charge because “some of the (academic) experts provided contradict­ory recommenda­tions.”

Instead of letting the academics speak out publicly about where they disagreed with the NDP questionna­ire and why, Eby’s ministry reminded them of the obligation to say nothing on that score. Then Eby and his staff handled the finishing touches themselves.

“So decisions have to be made in politics,” he told the house. “One of the decisions that my office made, and that I stand here accountabl­e for, was to release the survey in the form it was released to the public for completion. I believe the survey struck the right balance.”

I’m sure he does think it struck the right balance. For in many readings of the survey, it was found to be skewed in favour of proportion­al representa­tion — the outcome sought by both Eby and Premier John Horgan, who appointed Eby as the “neutral arbiter” on this process.

I further expect that when the New Democrats finally get around to setting the question or questions for the referendum, and deciding the other arbitrary rules and procedures, neutral arbiter Eby will say those strike the right balance as well.

All part of an NDP-led deck-stacking exercise that began last fall and continues to this day.

We do not have time to do a citizens’ assembly process. We have been given fairly tight timelines.

NEIL REIMER, Ministry of the Attorney General

 ?? CHAD HIPOLITO / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Attorney General David Eby speaks to the media on Nov. 23 at the legislatur­e following the public engagement launch for an upcoming provincial referendum on electoral reform.
CHAD HIPOLITO / THE CANADIAN PRESS Attorney General David Eby speaks to the media on Nov. 23 at the legislatur­e following the public engagement launch for an upcoming provincial referendum on electoral reform.
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