Vancouver Sun

Victoria man has spent 10 years in Iranian jail

Sister continues her battle to free brother who was confined, tortured to confess to pornograph­y charges


Regret haunts Maryam Malekpour — a nagging, irrational fear that she’s to blame for the decadelong imprisonme­nt of her brother, Saeed Malekpour, in an Iranian prison.

Her sin: Asking him to come to Iran to visit their father, who was dying of a brain tumour.

“Sometimes I blame myself,” said Malekpour, 37.

“I was the one who told him he should come back, that if (father) dies he’s going to regret it.”

Two days after he arrived at Iran in October 2008, Saeed was snatched off the street.

He was 33, married, a Canadian resident living in Victoria, with a bright future ahead of him.

On June 5, Saeed turned 43 — his 10th birthday behind bars in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison on what supporters say are spurious pornograph­y charges.

Saeed was going to pursue a PhD in engineerin­g at the University of Victoria, but was working on the side as a freelance web programmer.

He said he had created an opensource software for uploading photos and videos onto the internet that Iranian authoritie­s said was used by Persian porn websites.

His arrival in Iran coincided with a growing push by the Iranian Revolution­ary Guard to crack down on online activities it deemed corrupt.

Saeed spent a year in solitary confinemen­t and was tortured to confess.

That “confession” was used in a trial that earned him a death sentence, which was later commuted to life imprisonme­nt.

To this day, the forced confession is the only evidence produced against Saeed, said Maryam, who has dedicated her life to a campaign to free her big brother and best friend.

She fearlessly waged a media campaign to free Saeed despite threats from authoritie­s until 2012, when she fled Iran and came to Canada, bringing with her the drive to get Saeed out of jail and keep his plight in the spotlight.

“My brother is not a politician or an actor or a journalist,” said Malekpour, who now works as a project co-ordinator for a Vancouver constructi­on company.

“He’s not famous. He’s just an ordinary person. I have to do this.”

She’s now able to talk to Saeed, who was transferre­d to the general ward five years ago and is allowed phone calls.

“He says he’s OK, but I don’t know,” she said.

“He’s a positive person and is trying his best to stay hopeful.”

In two months, Maryam will become a Canadian citizen. But what would have been a proud moment is dimmed by disappoint­ment in the lack of action from the Canadian government, she said.

In a statement, Global Affairs Canada said it’s concerned about Iran’s human-rights situation, including Saeed’s case.

“The discussion of consular cases and human-rights cases like this one has been at the centre of interactio­ns between Canadian officials with Iranian authoritie­s, including Minister (Chrystia) Freeland and her counterpar­t,” said spokeswoma­n Brianne Maxwell.

She said parliament­ary secretary Omar Alghabra has spoken to Saeed’s family and “we will continue to keep a close eye on this case as it develops.”

There is a lack of evidence and witnesses to support Saeed’s conviction, said Kimberley Motley, Saeed’s U.S. lawyer.

But they’re limited in what they can do in the Iranian legal system.

“It comes down to him receiving clemency from the leader of Iran,” said Motley.

“We believe the Canadian government can be more involved in calling for his unconditio­nal release. We’re never going to stop fighting for him.”

Maryam too, vows never to give up.

Her ghosts won’t let her. “Every day when I wake up I see him suffering in prison, and I can’t do anything. It’s the worst feeling,” she said.

 ??  ?? Saeed Malekpour created open-source software for uploading photos and videos onto the internet. Iranian authoritie­s imprisoned him after suggesting his program was used by Persian porn websites.
Saeed Malekpour created open-source software for uploading photos and videos onto the internet. Iranian authoritie­s imprisoned him after suggesting his program was used by Persian porn websites.

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