Vancouver Sun

Aces On Bridge

- Bobby wolff

“One man is as good as another until he has written a book.”

— Benjamin Jowett

This deal (with a slight alteration of the heart honors) came up in the Common Game in December last year. Pretty much everyone would have bid the North- South cards to three no-trump; North has just enough to use Stayman and invite game, since if partner has a heart fit or a maximum, there should be decent play for game.

The opening lead gives you grounds for optimism as declarer. The club 10 comes around to your queen, and now it seems natural to go after diamonds. Beware, though! If you play the ace and another diamond, the defenders can clear the clubs and remove your last sure entry to hand. If the defenders duck the first spade and win the next, then cash their club winner, West can exit in hearts and collect the fifth trick for their side.

A much better line is to lead the diamond eight to the queen at trick two. At the table where I was involved, East won her diamond king and continued clubs, but declarer could simply drive out the spade ace and come to nine tricks painlessly enough.

Had East ducked the diamond king, South would next go after spades by running the jack, then leading a spade to the king. The defenders can still make life awkward by winning the second spade and returning a club, but the fall of the spade 10 and the fact that hearts are 3-3 allows you to come home against any defense. You win the third club, cash the remaining top spade to pitch a heart, and set up diamonds, leaving the defenders with two clubs, one spade and one diamond trick.

ANSWER: Your partner’s raise to two spades suggests some extras in the form of four trumps, but not necessaril­y real extras in high cards. Though you have a fine hand in context, you do not really have enough to drive to game; but surely the three-level should be safe. I would bid three clubs now and be prepared to drive to game if given the slightest encouragem­ent.

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