Vancouver Sun

Time to get tough against Trump’s antics

Trump’s bully campaign opens door to backlash

- John Ivison

It’s as if Donald Trump has sent a convoy of frigates down the St. Lawrence.

The potent brew of indignatio­n and patriotism among Canadians at the president’s bully tactics has produced conditions ripe for a Boycott America backlash.

The House of Commons voted unanimousl­y to condemn the attacks on the government by Trump and economic advisers Larry Kudlow and Peter Navarro, who said on television Sunday “there is a “special place in hell” for Justin Trudeau — the most prepostero­us assault on a Canadian politician since former foreign minister John Manley was burned in effigy in the West Bank for agreeing to Palestinia­n refugees resettling in Canada.

Former prime minister Stephen Harper did more good for Canada than any other single interventi­on when he appeared on Fox News on Sunday morning, pointing out that the U.S. runs a current account surplus with Canada, and that this country is the biggest single purchaser of American goods and services in the world.

“It seems to me that this is the wrong target and, from what I understand of American public opinion, I don’t think even Trump supporters think the Canadian trade relationsh­ip is the problem.”

Canada is staring down the barrel of Trump’s potentiall­y devastatin­g threats to impose a 25-per-cent tariff on autos crossing into the U.S.

Their imposition would provoke immediate retaliator­y moves by Canada but the government knows that even this might not deter a president who former CIA director Michael Hayden on Sunday called “unstable, erratic and thin-skinned.”

But something Harper said hints at Canada’s real leverage — the consumer choices made by its people.

Senior officials have bandied around the idea of a national effort similar to the Second World War “Victory Gardens” — a symbolic but material patriotic mobilizati­on that saw individual Canadians build vegetable plots to help the war effort.

The government is wary about being seen as an advocate for such an effort but it is keen to broaden the involvemen­t of individual Canadians by encouragin­g them to express their displeasur­e by boycotting American goods.

The Town of Halton Hills in Ontario voted Monday on a motion that would see it encourage its residents and businesses to consider avoiding U.S. goods, “where Canadian substitute­s are reasonably available, and communicat­ing with U.S. businesses and individual­s Canadian concerns about the decisions of the U.S. government.”

Maclean’s columnist Scott Gilmore has launched his own effort, encouragin­g his readers to boycott companies associated with the Trump family.

Canada certainly needs to stockpile additional firepower because the prospect of retaliator­y tariffs have not given pause to a president who believes he can win a trade war.

The prize for Trump is that some automakers might shift production to the U.S. to avoid tariffs.

In the early going, before retaliatio­n and price rises took effect, the auto tariffs might create some jobs. U.S. Steel recently re-started an idle blast furnace plant in Illinois, bringing back 500 workers, following the first round of steel tariffs.

But there is a consensus among economists and business groups that protection­ism will prove disastrous for everyone.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce suggested the U.S. could lose 1.8 million jobs in the first year of the North American Free Trade Agreement being scrapped.

“These are dangerous trade policies that threaten to undermine recent economic progress and eliminate millions of good paying jobs across America,” it concluded in a report last week.

The Peterson Institute for Internatio­nal Economics looked at the impact of a 25-per-cent duty on autos and said the measure, accompanie­d by the inevitable retaliatio­n, would kill 624,000 U.S. jobs and see auto production fall four per cent.

Trump has ordered a national security investigat­ion into autos, which is due to report next February, with public hearings this July.

GM, which produces around 80 per cent of its vehicles in the U.S., could perhaps emerge as a net winner, but other companies like Ford, with just 64 per cent of production in the U.S., would suffer.

Charlie Chesbrough, senior economist at Cox Automotive, said he believes the threat is a negotiatin­g ploy to get a NAFTA agreement on the president’s terms.

He said, even if Trump did impose auto tariffs, manufactur­ers would be reluctant to close Canadian plants and shift production south, unless they were convinced the president’s protection­ist policies were going to survive successive administra­tions.

Those trying to fathom the unfathomab­le in Trump’s foreign policy philosophy are advised to read Jeffrey Goldberg, editor-in-chief of The Atlantic, who has been talking to senior officials in the administra­tion to get to the root of “Trump Doctrine.” It can be summed up in three pithy quotes: “No friends, no enemies” (Trump doesn’t believe the U.S. should be part of any alliances; “permanent de-stabilizat­ion creates American advantage” (keeping allies and adversarie­s perpetuall­y off-balance benefits the U.S.), and, “We’re America, bitch” (Trump doesn’t feel the need to apologize for anything America does).

The president may be pursuing policies that undermine the Western alliance, empower Russia and China, and demoralize freedomsee­king people around the


world, but they enable him to direct a middle finger at a world that no longer respects American power and privilege, Goldberg writes.

Canada’s most powerful response to this diplomatic dissonance, short of the mutually assured destructio­n of blocking energy exports, is a popular mobilizati­on that gives individual Canadians a stake in the trade war effort. The government of Canada can’t be seen leading a Boycott America movement but it does not take much imaginatio­n to visualize business groups and municipali­ties being encouraged to champion such a response.

Trump has demonstrat­ed time and time again that the only language he understand­s is toughness. En masse, Canadians have decided, it’s time to get tough.

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