Vancouver Sun

Queen Elizabeth Park has shrub thief

More patrols may not stem problem


Visitors to Queen Elizabeth Park may have noticed something more than beautiful blooms in the Vancouver park’s rose garden over the weekend.

A frustrated gardener, prompted by recent shrub thefts, has planted handmade signs that read, “I was stolen by a plant thief,” near gaping holes in the garden. Among the missing plants are evergreen shrubs, such as skimmia, mock orange and mountain laurel. Some annuals went missing last fall.

“It’s kind of deplorable. These are public gardens and they’re meant for everyone’s enjoyment,” said Margo Harper, communicat­ions manager for the Vancouver park board, which operates parks, gardens, community centres and golf courses in the city, including Queen Elizabeth Park.

Thefts have taken place in the park for years, mostly in the spring and fall. Most of this year’s thefts have been concentrat­ed in the rose garden, which was built in 1967 to commemorat­e Canada’s centennial. It’s located on the southweste­rn perimeter of the 52-hectare park.

Harper pointed out that the city has discount plant sales on a regular basis, such as the one that took place in April at VanDusen Botanical Garden, or the biannual park board tree sale, where one can buy a tree for as little as $10.

Still, Harper said, it’s not uncommon to see plants disappear from city gardens, usually under the cover of darkness.

“I find it very disappoint­ing that an individual or individual­s are selfish enough to steal, really, from the public,” said park board commission­er Stuart Mackinnon. “Our public parks are open to everyone and our gardens are very beautiful, and in a city where more and more of us are living in condominiu­ms and towers and rental facilities, not all of us have the opportunit­y to have a garden, and so our parks allow us to enjoy the flowers, the shrubs and the trees.”

Mackinnon said park rangers have stepped up their patrols, but it’s difficult to catch people who steal plants.

“As long as we have open parks, I think this will continue to be an issue,” Mackinnon said.

Anyone who witnesses a plant theft is asked to call the city at 311 or report it using the VanConnect app.

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