Vancouver Sun

Men and boys disappeari­ng from all areas of psychology

Females outnumber males in the field, both as therapists and subjects of research


Males are disappeari­ng from the field of North American psychology — both as research subjects and as psychother­apists.

The evidence is overwhelmi­ng that psychologi­cal research is becoming heavily focused on girls’ and women’s issues, and that males are rapidly vanishing from psycho-therapeuti­c profession­s.

The consequenc­es of these dual trajectori­es, say specialist­s, is that the distinct emotional struggles of boys and men are largely being sidelined and that many psychother­apists are lacking expertise in dealing effectivel­y with males’ psychologi­cal difficulti­es.

A revealing study led by the University of B.C.’s Robinder Bedi found the vast majority of 293 research articles published over a 13-year period in the influentia­l Canadian Journal of Counsellin­g and Psychother­apy centred on female-specific topics.

Research articles exclusivel­y on female subjects out-numbered those on male subjects by four to one, Bedi discovered. When his team excluded a single special “men’s” edition of the psychother­apy journal from their survey, the ratio of femaleto male-oriented articles in the journal soared to 15 to one.

“All of this is occurring despite … boys and men making up 34 per cent of individual­s participat­ing in counsellin­g and psychology,” writes Bedi, an assistant professor of counsellin­g psychology at UBC.

“It appears that much of our knowledge about counsellin­g Canadians has been based upon research samples composed predominan­tly of women and has been somewhat uncritical­ly generalize­d to working with men,” write Bedi and co-authors Courtney Young, Jaleh Davari, Karen Spring and Daniel Kane in a peer-reviewed paper titled A Content Analysis of Gendered Research.

Their overview of contempora­ry psychother­apeutic research in Canada dovetails with rising awareness across North America of a related developmen­t: That women are becoming even more predominan­t in counsellin­g and psychology profession­s.

The American Psychologi­cal Associatio­n, which represents roughly 90,000 clinical psychologi­sts, found women outnumber men by more than two to one. And it’s quickly becoming more extreme: The ratio of female psychologi­sts to male psychologi­sts who are 35 and under jumps to almost 10 to one.

“The gender gap in the psychology workforce has widened,” says a report by the American Psychologi­cal Associatio­n. “This gender gap was even wider for racial/ethnic minority groups.… It is important to understand both why a greater number of females have entered the workforce and why fewer males have entered the workforce, and more males have exited.”

The ever-widening chasm among younger psychologi­sts is similar in Canada and B.C. The spring edition of The Chronicle, published by the B.C. College of Psychologi­sts, included a chart showing the province has roughly six registered female psychologi­sts age 35 and under for every one male psychologi­st of that same age group.

Even though it’s accepted that psychother­apists of one sex can often be effective at treating people of another sex, similar issues are being raised about the prepondera­nce of females in teaching, social work and most health profession­s.

The gender gap among psychologi­sts has become so acute in Britain that a group of male and females has formed the Male Psychology Network.

“Is there an actual need for more male psychologi­sts?” asks co-founder John Barry, of University College London. “Well, men appear to need psychologi­cal help. For instance, they commit suicide at over three times the rate of women. Yet they seek help less than women do. If we care about mental health, then we need to ask questions like, ‘What can we do to improve help-seeking in men?’ and, ‘Would men be more likely to seek therapy if they could see a male psychologi­st?’”

Bedi and his team are raising similar questions about the lack of research into male psychologi­cal issues, particular­ly given men’s much higher likelihood of death by suicide, in the workplace and from opioid overdoses.

What is the benefit of more counsellor­s and psychologi­sts becoming better aware of men’s issues?

Many psychother­apists frequently “experience a sense of frustratio­n, helplessne­ss and ineffectiv­eness when working with male clients,” report UBC professors Marvin Westwood and the University of Victoria’s Timothy Black.

Research has shown that some therapeuti­c techniques that are usually effective with women do not always work as effectivel­y with men, and vice versa, according to psychologi­sts who specialize in men and issues of masculinit­y.

A greater number of therapists and psychologi­sts need to be aware of techniques that are more effective with men than women, including “direct problem solving,” “skills developmen­t” and “practical help,” writes Bedi, a clinical psychologi­st who also specialize­s in working with Punjabi Sikhs.

When psychologi­sts such as Marcheta Evans have urged greater focus on men in counsellin­g and research, they have been met with concerns about “male privilege.” But Evans responds that, even though a portion of men hold higher paying jobs, it does not mean the “significan­t mental health needs” of men in general should be ignored.

“The counsellin­g profession is failing men,” say Bedi and his co-authors, who wonder aloud whether one of the reasons fewer males seek therapy is the “limited masculine gender competence” exhibited by many psychother­apists.

The authors see their article as “a call to action in the service of men in Canada and abroad.… We hope our article further stimulates conversati­ons, research and theorizing about counsellin­g men and boys.”

 ??  ?? There are around six female psychologi­sts 35 and under for every one male psychologi­st.
There are around six female psychologi­sts 35 and under for every one male psychologi­st.
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