Vancouver Sun


Trump to meet with Putin


He allegedly helped him get elected. He has charmed him and egged him on. And on Monday, when Russian President Vladimir Putin meets President Donald Trump face to face here in Finland’s capital, Trump will see what he gets out of it.

Coming into Monday’s one-on-one summit, Trump faces intense pressure back home to confront Putin over Russia’s interferen­ce in the 2016 presidenti­al election, especially in the wake of Friday’s indictment of 12 Russian intelligen­ce officers for hacking and releasing Democratic emails.

In Washington and throughout the West, leaders are also pressing Trump to hold firm in countering Putin’s interventi­on in Syria and Ukraine by refusing to recognize Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

But Trump’s weeklong tour through Europe only served to underscore his common ground with Putin more than their difference­s.

In Belgium and in the United Kingdom, Trump echoed Putin’s ideologica­l world view and his political posture — from decrying immigratio­n patterns that he said were destroying European culture to assaulting the media as “fake news” and blaming the U.S. “deep state” and a “rigged witch hunt” investigat­ion for the poor condition of U.S.-Russian relations.

And Trump’s recent moves to disrupt America’s traditiona­l alliances, both with trade disputes and rhetorical broadsides, enhances Russia’s position as Putin seeks to expand Moscow’s influence around the world.

Trump landed in Helsinki Sunday night with what he said were low expectatio­ns and an unusually loose agenda for the kind of high-stakes internatio­nal meeting that typically is tightly scripted with predetermi­ned outcomes.

But Trump has an uncommon faith in his abilities to wing it on the global stage. In a trio of tweets sent Sunday from aboard Air Force One, he complained that the news media would not give him due credit for the summit.

“Unfortunat­ely, no matter how well I do at the Summit, if I was given the great city of Moscow as retributio­n for all of the sins and evils committed by Russia over the years, I would return to criticism that it wasn’t good enough — that I should have gotten Saint Petersburg in addition!” Trump tweeted.

“Much of our news media is indeed the enemy of the people.”

When he departed Washington last week, Trump said meeting with Putin may be “the easiest” part of his trip. And as in last month’s Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, he is banking on his personalit­y to forge a lasting bond with Putin that could improve U.S.-Russia relations and solve some of the world’s intractabl­e problems.

“He’s been very nice to me the times I’ve met him,” Trump told reporters last week in Brussels, previewing his Putin tête-àtête.

“I’ve been nice to him. He’s a competitor … He’s not my enemy. And hopefully, someday, maybe he’ll be a friend. It could happen.”

In an indication of his friendly posture, Trump said he “hadn’t thought” of asking Putin to extradite the 12 Russian agents indicted by the U.S. Justice Department when prompted in a CBS interview.

Trump went on to blame his predecesso­r for Russia’s election interferen­ce, saying, “They were doing whatever it was during the Obama administra­tion,” and adding that the Democratic National Committee “should be ashamed of themselves for allowing themselves to be hacked.”

For the Kremlin, blaming Obama and the Washington establishm­ent for the world’s ills has been one way to continue winning over Trump.

Ever since Trump’s surprise election victory, Putin has been echoing Trump’s claim that investigat­ions into Russian election interferen­ce are sinister efforts to delegitimi­ze and sabotage his presidency by Washington’s Democratic establishm­ent and “deep state,” a reference to the intelligen­ce and national-security apparatus. Both Trump and Putin have said the investigat­ions are underminin­g U.S.-Russia relations and preventing progress on Syria and other problems.

“We are well aware of the extent to which the American establishm­ent is being held hostage to stereotype­s and is under the heaviest domestic anti-Russian pressure,” Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said last week, according to Tass, a Russian state-controlled news agency.

In Washington, Democratic leaders called on Trump to cancel the summit over last Friday’s indictment­s.

While there is precedent — Obama nixed a Moscow meeting with Putin in 2013 in part because Russia granted asylum to Edward Snowden, who stands accused of illegally leaking U.S. intelligen­ce secrets — Trump decided to keep the meeting.

Trump has pledged to ask Putin whether Russia interfered in the election, though he said he assumes he will again deny it.

U.S. intelligen­ce agencies have said Russia is likely to try to interfere in the 2018 midterm elections, and both Democrats and Republican­s have implored Trump to sternly warn him against doing so.

“All patriotic Americans should understand that Putin is not America’s friend, and he is not the president’s buddy,” Sen. Ben Sasse, a Nebraska Republican, said in a statement.

Russian officials say it was Trump who insisted holding a one-on-one meeting with Putin to start Monday’s talks. But some of them haven’t hid their anticipati­on that such a format will produce desired results.

Within the U.S. foreign policy establishm­ent, there is considerab­le concern that Trump is meeting with Putin without the presence of advisers or note-takers.

“Putin is now meeting his fourth U.S. president,” said Michael McFaul, a former U.S. ambassador to Russia. “He has been working on foreign affairs at the highest levels for two decades and at lower levels his whole life. He knows all the possible agenda items much better than Trump does. So why give the Russian side such an advantage?”

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 ?? HEIKKI SAUKKOMAA / AFP / GETTY IMAGES ?? U.S. President Donald Trump lands in Helsinki Sunday before a one-on-one summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump says he has low expectatio­ns for the meeting.
HEIKKI SAUKKOMAA / AFP / GETTY IMAGES U.S. President Donald Trump lands in Helsinki Sunday before a one-on-one summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump says he has low expectatio­ns for the meeting.

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