Vancouver Sun


A therapist and author explains how extreme stress can hit those who expect it least


Stress, depression, high expectatio­ns, a faster pace of living, relentless social media — the need for us to talk about burnout has probably never been so acute. It can feel like we’re a world awash with it; collapsing under pressure.

When is burnout more than just feeling fed up and worn down?

For Dina Glouberman, a psychother­apist and lecturer, the first sign was a strange sensation that the people she was watching on television were moving too slowly. Then her blood pressure shot up. One day, she left her house and felt unable to return for hours.

The 73-year-old recalls feeling like everything sounded too loud. “The traffic and people were drilling into my brain,” she says.

“When you are burned out, it’s that feeling you don’t have any life energy or force,” says Glouberman, who has just written Into the Woods and Out Again: A Memoir of Love, Madness, and Transforma­tion.

“You may feel disconnect­ed, cynical, angry and can fall ill often and for too long. In my case, my system just closed down.”

Something in the way we work is undoubtedl­y making modern life more challengin­g. As entreprene­ur Arianna Huffington, who suffered her own burnout a decade ago, says: “The current male-dominated model of success — which equates success with burnout, sleep deprivatio­n and driving yourself into the ground — isn’t working for women, and it’s not working for men, either.”

Glouberman’s concept of burnout goes beyond this. Hers happened 30 years ago, but it is still vivid. She was a high achiever who understood mental ill health personally, having suffered psychotic depression at 26 — something she calls “an awful experience yet an enlighteni­ng one.”

It began with depressive thoughts and instances of paranoia — Glouberman believed she was being watched by the FBI, then that friends were trying to poison her. The flashpoint was a walk in the drenching rain when she couldn’t tell which century she was living in.

She was treated in hospital with anti-depressant­s and group therapy, but says, “What pulled me through were the other patients and the community we formed.”

By December 1971, Glouberman had recovered and was discharged, opening up an intensely creative and energetic period of her life.

She married Greek journalist Yannis Andricopou­los in 1974, completed a PhD, found therapy clients and lectured in psychology. In 1977, she had her first child, Ari, and she and Yannis co-founded the world-famous Skyros Holidays in Greece, Thailand and Cuba which specialize in holistic, communityo­riented trips.

In 1989, at the height of their success, the couple set up a magazine called i-to-i, temporaril­y producing it in their home. Glouberman admits she said yes to a situation which she now knows that she should have refused.

“One day, I left the house and realized I couldn’t go home until they had all left. I was overrun,” she says.

Like many busy and successful profession­als, Glouberman would not have thought herself likely to burn out. Yet, highly motivated and engaged workers are often most at risk, according to a new University of Cambridge study published in Career Developmen­t Internatio­nal. It says even the happiest employees could be secretly exhausted and ready to quit.

At first, Glouberman says her own burnout was so extreme she couldn’t even make a telephone call. Recovery meant changing her life. First came a week at a naturopath­ic clinic, where her roommate told her she looked like a ghost. Glouberman decided to put her health first, drop the inner pressure, let go of anything which gave her headaches — even if that required saying no — and only do what energized her and brought her joy.

Years later, when she realized it was burnout she had suffered, she wrote The Joy of Burnout on its positive implicatio­ns.

The book was a bestseller and launched Glouberman into yet another career, this time as an expert on the subject. She began to lecture on burnout and was amazed at how so many people saw themselves as having it.

“Looking back, I think that the burnout was a gift. It forced me to re-evaluate my life and make changes,” she adds. “Had it not happened, I could have had a stroke or crashed a car. Sometimes I think it saved my life.”

Yet coming back from burnout is not as simple as having a rest. Research from the University of Konstanz in Germany in 2010 found that teachers who took holidays felt better initially but had reverted to high levels of stress within a month.

Glouberman’s advice for recovery is surprising­ly straightfo­rward: ‘Stop. Give up hope. Keep the faith.’

“That means: Stop. Step back and acknowledg­e what is happening,” she explains. “Then give up hope that working harder and doing more of the same to achieve the goal you thought you needed will save you. You must either change your approach or change your situation or even leave it — but don’t keep on keeping on.”

Glouberman’s last piece of advice is perhaps the most heartfelt: “You are not always going to get what you want. You are not always going to get everything done you feel needs doing. You may be desperate for everything to be perfect. Avoiding burnout means acknowledg­ing reality, respecting yourself, and finding your own path to joy.

“Keep the faith that no matter what happens to your old beliefs and goals, you yourself can always be OK.”

Avoiding burnout means acknowledg­ing reality, respecting yourself, and finding your own path to joy.

 ?? SLAVEN VLASIC/GETTY IMAGES ?? Arianna Huffington suffered a burnout in 2007, a moment that changed how she felt about overworkin­g for success, she says.
SLAVEN VLASIC/GETTY IMAGES Arianna Huffington suffered a burnout in 2007, a moment that changed how she felt about overworkin­g for success, she says.
 ?? GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? Many busy, successful profession­als do not think they will burn out.
GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O Many busy, successful profession­als do not think they will burn out.

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