Vancouver Sun

Premier defends province’s union-only constructi­on rules


VICTORIA British Columbians worried that the province’s new union-only constructi­on rules will drive up costs should wait and see how Metro Vancouver’s new Pattullo Bridge replacemen­t project turns out, says Premier John Horgan.

Horgan defended his new project labour agreements, which mandate workers join unions on the $1.4-billion Pattullo project, as well as the $550-million highway widening project from Kamloops to Alberta, saying the changes will train more apprentice­s, provide certainty on costs, and prevent strikes or labour disputes.

“I know that the opponents of project labour agreements have put out significan­t numbers concerning what the consequenc­es will be," Horgan told reporters at the legislatur­e on Monday.

“I’ll remind you that we’ve got two projects underway now, the Pattullo replacemen­t project — for which tenders have been put out (and) we’ll see what comes back — and the four-laning of Highway 1. So I think before we have too many people piling on about the consequenc­es, we should get the tenders back and we should start these projects before we start criticizin­g them.”

The Pattullo replacemen­t will take until 2023 to complete.

“If we’re spending a billion and a half dollars on a bridge, we should be getting something out of it other than the bridge," said Horgan, who argued the labour rules will favour hiring local workers, Aboriginal­s, women and set a 25-per-cent benchmark for apprentice­ship spots.

Horgan said the use of project labour agreements goes back to major B.C. Hydro dams built under Social Credit premier W.A.C. Bennett.

The Opposition Liberals have called the changes a sweetheart deal for the NDP’s major union supporters and discrimina­tes against the almost 80 per cent of the constructi­on sector that is not unionized.

“It’s pretty clear that the government has a preferred list of groups that they want to be receiving these contracts, and they are coincident­ally the same groups that have given millions and millions of dollars to the NDP over a number of years and decades,” said Liberal MLA John Martin.

Horgan denied any favouritis­m, pointing out his government’s ban on corporate and union donations prevents any direct benefit from flowing back to his party.

“The fact there are no longer corporate and union donations in our political system I think cleans that up not just for my party but for parties in the future that form government­s in British Colum- bia," he said. "No longer can you buy access. No longer can you buy favours.”

Critics have warned the NDP’s new mandatory union constructi­on rules could lead to cost overruns of as much as $4.8 billion on the $25.6 billion in government’s three-year capital plan, according to a letter sent to Horgan by a group of nine business and independen­t contractor organizati­ons. However, that estimate assumes an approximat­e 40 per cent cost increase on projects and is based upon a 1990s report that examined one union-only constructi­on project before it was completed.

Transporta­tion Minister Claire Trevena has said project labour agreements could add between four to seven per cent to future project costs.

In the case of the Pattullo, that could mean $100 million. However, the government has said the amount is lower because it only applies to constructi­on-related costs and not materials or overhead. The exact amount of constructi­on costs on the Pattullo is unknown.

The Kamloops-Alberta fourlane highway project is currently budgeted at $550 million from B.C. and $354 million from the federal government, with 227 kilometres of road left to upgrade.

How much of the project could fall under union-only project labour agreements has yet to be announced by government, but some parts that may be considered include Chase West, Salmon Arm West, Illecillew­aet (near Revelstoke), and the Kicking Horse Canyon Phase 4 project east of Golden.

 ?? RICHARD LAM ?? Premier John Horgan is defending new labour agreements, which mandate workers to unionize on certain projects.
RICHARD LAM Premier John Horgan is defending new labour agreements, which mandate workers to unionize on certain projects.

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