Vancouver Sun

Changing the tone

Offering a complete picture of struggles will help save lives, write Craig and Marc Kielburger.

- Craig and Marc Kielburger are the co-founders of the WE movement, which includes WE Charity, ME to WE Social Enterprise and WE Day. For more dispatches from WE, check out WE Stories at

Twenty years ago, if someone jumped off a bridge, it wasn’t news. Decades of research have shown that sensationa­lized stories of suicide can lead to an increase in deaths and self-harm, so most news outlets avoided the subject.

Then came social media. Now, the last moments of people’s lives can go viral. Once the story escapes organicall­y, news media is quick to follow. The result is more talk about suicide than ever, in the pages of newspapers and on the silver screen, in the halls of political power and university campuses. But the conversati­ons tend to fit one formula, making depression seem incurable and suicide the inevitable end.

The way the media often present suicide is sensationa­lized, out of context and devoid of resources. This isn’t just dangerous — leading to more deaths through a phenomenon called contagion — it’s also wrong.

Suicide is not the only way out. For those struggling with their mental health, death by suicide is not even the norm — and in fact, it’s entirely preventabl­e.

That’s the missing element from the conversati­on: Far from the only end to depression, the vast majority of people who think about taking their own life don’t do it.

“Suicidal thoughts happen with some frequency (in everyone),” says Dr. Mark Sinyor, a psychiatri­st at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto. Estimates vary, but Sinyor says that as many as one in three people will have thoughts about taking their own life. Meanwhile, five per cent of people will attempt suicide and one per cent will die from it.

Those deaths amount to roughly 4,000 tragedies every year in Canada. That number is too high. Still, it does add up to the majority getting help. Most people with suicidal thoughts “find a way to be resilient,” Sinyor says. They talk to a loved one or a profession­al. They discover a reason to keep living.

“And in that, there’s hope.” That’s the story we need to hear. A focus on those who slip through the cracks seems to normalize suicide as the end to very common condition. We’re missing a powerful opportunit­y to tell stories of resiliency and hope. Positive stories offer a more complete picture of depression. They can also save lives.

Just like sensationa­lized stories of suicide can be contagious, uplifting examples of people overcoming struggles with mental health serve as an inoculatio­n of hope and a reminder that suicide is not the answer. A 2005 Austrian study found that articles about people who had come back from depression and other illnesses empowered others to seek help. Those stories led to a drop in the country’s suicide deaths.

We can no longer avoid the subject in the age of smartphone­s and a burgeoning crisis in mental health. We do need to talk openly about suicide, just not in the way we’ve been doing it.

The simple offering of a more complete picture — that many people have dark thoughts and the majority get the help they need — can save lives. This is the contagion we need to spread.

If you or people you know are struggling with thoughts of selfharm, suicide or depression, you are not alone. Visit the Canadian Associatio­n for Suicide Prevention for resources.

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