Vancouver Sun


John McCain remembered


WASHINGTON • For John McCain, a lifetime of courage, contradict­ions and contrarian­ism came down to one vote, in the middle of the night, in the twilight of his career.

The fate of U.S. President Donald Trump’s long effort to repeal Barack Obama’s health care law hung in the balance as a Senate roll call dragged on past 1 a.m. on a July night in 2017.

Then came McCain — 80 years old, recently diagnosed with brain cancer, his face still scarred from surgery, striding with purpose toward the well of the Senate.

The Arizona Republican raised his right arm, paused for dramatic effect and flashed a determined thumbs-down, drawing gasps from both sides of the aisle.

Trump’s health care bill was dead. McCain’s lifelong reputation as free thinker, never to be intimidate­d, was very much alive.

It was the capstone of a political career that had taken McCain from the House to the Senate to the Republican presidenti­al nomination, but never to his ultimate goal, the White House.

McCain, who faced down his captors in a Vietnamese prison of war camp and later turned his trademark defiance into a political asset, died Saturday. He was 81.

With his irascible grin and fighter-pilot moxie, McCain won election to the House from Arizona twice and the Senate six times. But twice he was thwarted in his quest for the presidency.

His upstart bid for president in 2000 took flight in New Hampshire only to be quickly flattened in South Carolina.

Eight years later, he fought back from the brink of defeat to win the GOP nomination, only to be overpowere­d by Democrat Obama in the general election.

McCain had chosen a little-known Alaska governor as his running mate for that race, and in the process helped turn Sarah Palin into a political celebrity.

After losing to Obama in an electoral landslide, McCain returned to the Senate determined not to be defined by a failed presidenti­al campaign in which his reputation as a maverick had faded. In the politics of the moment and in national political debate over the decades, McCain energetica­lly advanced his ideas and punched back hard at critics — Trump not least among them.

Scion of a decorated military family, McCain embraced his role as chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, pushing for aggressive U.S. military interventi­on overseas and eager to contribute to “defeating the forces of radical Islam that want to destroy America.”

Asked how he wanted to be remembered, McCain said simply: “That I made a major contributi­on to the defence of the nation.”

Taking a long look back in his valedictor­y memoir, The Restless Wave, McCain wrote of the world he inhabited: “I hate to leave it. But I don’t have a complaint. Not one. It’s been quite a ride. I’ve known great passions, seen amazing wonders, fought in a war, and helped make a peace . ... I made a small place for myself in the story of America and the history of my times.”

Throughout his decades in Congress, McCain played his role with trademark verve, at one hearing dismissing a protester by calling out, “Get out of here, you low-life scum.”

Over a lifetime in politics, McCain’s anti-authoritar­ian streak was both his greatest asset and Achilles heel.

Often disincline­d to follow the herd, McCain achieved his biggest legislativ­e successes when making alliances with Democrats. He also piled up a full repertoire of over-the-top wisecracks, and had enough flare-ups with colleagues to cement a reputation as a hothead. Some questioned whether he had the right temperamen­t to be president.

McCain’s challenge always was to strike the right balance, offering himself both as a rabble-rouser and a reliable Republican standardbe­arer.

John Sidney McCain III’s history as a Vietnam PoW for 5½ years after being shot out of the sky at age 31 was a powerful part of his backstory as the son and grandson of four-star admirals.

When his Vietnamese captors offered him early release as a propaganda ploy, McCain refused to play along.

“Now it will be very bad for you, Mac Kane,” they told him, and they were true to their word.

McCain returned home from his years as a PoW on crutches and unable to lift his arms. Never again could he raise them above his head.

He once said he’d “never known a prisoner of war who felt he could fully explain the experience to anyone who had not shared it.”

Indeed, he seemed more at ease joking about his incarcerat­ion than analyzing it.

More than once he quipped after a distastefu­l experience: “That’s the most fun I’ve had since my last interrogat­ion.”

In his darkest hour in Vietnam, McCain’s will was broken and he signed a confession that said, “I am a black criminal and I have performed deeds of an air pirate.”

For all of that, though, McCain defied his guards. To his captors, just as to his superiors back at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, he was exasperati­ng.

“He had to carry a different burden than most of us and he handled it beautifull­y,” Orson Swindle, a former PoW cellmate, once said. “He didn’t need any coping mechanism; that’s just built into him.”

Even in prison, McCain played to the bleachers, shouting obscenitie­s at his captors loudly enough to bolster the spirits of fellow captives. Appointed by the PoWs to act as camp “entertainm­ent officer,” a “room chaplain” and a “communicat­ions officer,” McCain imparted comic relief, literary tutorials, news of the day, even religious sustenance.

Bud Day, a former cellmate and Medal of Honor recipient, said McCain’s PoW experience “took some great iron and turned him into steel.”

McCain once said that Vietnam “wasn’t a turning point in me as to what type of person I am, but it was a bit of a turning point in me appreciati­ng the value of serving a cause greater than your self-interest.” It taught him, he said, “that if you put your country first, that everything will be OK.”

Still, a predilecti­on for what McCain described as “quick tempers, adventurou­s spirits, and love for the country’s uniform” was encoded in the family DNA.

His father and grandfathe­r, the Navy’s first father-and-son set of four-star admirals, had set such a low standard for behaviour at the Naval Academy that John Sidney McCain III’s self-described “four-year course of insubordin­ation and rebellion” got little more than a yawn from his family.

Speaking of his father, McCain once pronounced himself “little short of astonished by the old man’s reckless disregard for the rules.”

And yet for all the raucous tales of misconduct, the midshipmen of the McCain family abided by the school’s honour code not to lie, cheat or steal.

McCain’s Vietnam experience gave him new confidence in himself and his judgment. But it did not tame his wild side, and his first marriage was a casualty. McCain blamed the failure of the marriage on “my own selfishnes­s and immaturity” and has called it “my greatest moral failing.”

One month after divorcing his first wife, Carol, McCain married Cindy Hensley, 17 years his junior.

McCain’s war story made him a celebrity in Washington. When he became the Navy’s liaison to the Senate, he quickly establishe­d friendship­s with some of the younger senators. The experience opened McCain’s eyes to the impact that politician­s could have, and to the notion that he could be one of them.

His 1981 marriage to Cindy, the daughter of a wealthy beer distributo­r in Arizona, helped clear the path forward. In one day, McCain signed his Navy discharge papers and flew west with his new wife to his new life. By 1982, he’d been elected to the House and four years later to an open Senate seat. He and Cindy had four children, to add to the three from his first marriage. Their youngest child was adopted from Mother Teresa’s orphanage in Bangladesh.

McCain set about establishi­ng a conservati­ve voting record and a reputation as a tightwad with taxpayer dollars. But just months into his Senate career, he made what he called “the worst mistake of his life.” He participat­ed in two meetings with banking regulators on behalf of Charles Keating, a friend, campaign contributo­r, constituen­t and savings and loan financier who was later convicted of securities fraud.

The S&L situation simmered for a few years, but eventually boiled over, and McCain got burned.

As the industry collapsed, McCain was tagged as one of the Keating Five — five senators who, to varying degrees, were accused of trying to get regulators to ease up on Keating. McCain was cited for lesser involvemen­t than the others by the Senate ethics committee, which faulted his “poor judgment.”

But to have his honour questioned, he said, was in some ways worse than the torture he endured in Vietnam. He spent years trying to live down the taint.

In the 1990s, McCain shouldered another wrenching issue, the long effort to account for American soldiers still missing from the war and to normalize relations with Vietnam.

“People don’t remember how ugly the PoW-MIA issue was,” former Democratic Sen. Bob Kerrey, a fellow Vietnam veteran, later recalled, crediting McCain for standing up to significan­t opposition.

On Sunday, former prime minister Brian Mulroney remembered John McCain as “a committed friend of Canada.”

As recently as June, McCain tweeted his support for Canada after Trump called Prime Minister Justin Trudeau weak and dishonest.

The Republican senator wrote, “To our allies ... Americans stand with you, even if our president doesn’t.”


 ??  ??
 ?? GERALD HERBERT / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES ?? U.S. Senator John McCain, who died Saturday at 81, capped his political career by voting down the repeal of Barack Obama’s health care law.
GERALD HERBERT / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES U.S. Senator John McCain, who died Saturday at 81, capped his political career by voting down the repeal of Barack Obama’s health care law.
 ?? HORST FAAS / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES ?? John McCain, who was captured while serving in the Vietnam War, is escorted to the airport in Hanoi, Vietnam in 1973 after his release.
HORST FAAS / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES John McCain, who was captured while serving in the Vietnam War, is escorted to the airport in Hanoi, Vietnam in 1973 after his release.

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