Vancouver Sun

U.S.tosend 800 troops to Mexican border

- RobeRt buRns and Jill Colvin

WASHINGTON • The Trump administra­tion is planning to dispatch 800 or more active duty troops to the southern border as a caravan of thousands of migrants makes its way through Mexico.

Defence Secretary Jim Mattis is expected to sign an order sending the troops to the border, bolstering National Guard forces there, a U.S. official said Thursday. The action comes as President Donald Trump has spent recent days calling attention to the migrant caravan slowly making its way by foot from Central America into southern Mexico.

The additional troops would provide logistical and other support to the Border Patrol, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a plan that had not yet been finalized and formally announced.

Trump tweeted earlier Thursday that “Democrat inspired laws make it tough for us to stop people at the border” and that he was using the military for what he called a “National Emergency.” He vowed, “They will be stopped!” in apparent reference to the caravan, which was still about 1,600 kilometres from the U.S.Mexico border and starting to dwindle. Previous migrant marches have largely dissipated before reaching the United States.

The additional members of the military would assist the Border Patrol by providing things such as vehicles, tents and equipment. There already are about 2,000 National Guard troops there under a previous Pentagon arrangemen­t. The new troops would be active duty forces, the official said.

Trump, who made fear about immigrants a major theme of his election campaign, has been eager to make it a top issue heading into the Nov. 6 midterm elections, which will determine which party controls Congress. The president and senior White House officials have long believed the issue is key to turning out his ardent base of supporters.

At rallies and on Twitter, Trump has tried to paint the Democrats as pro-illegal immigratio­n, even claiming, with no evidence, that Democrats had organized and paid for the caravan.

The sprawling caravan of migrants — once estimated by the United Nations to be more than 7,000 strong — is hoping to make it to the United States. Most are Hondurans, seeking to escape the poverty and violence that plagues the region.

The caravan swelled dramatical­ly soon after crossing the Mexican border on Oct. 19, but sickness, fear and police harassment have whittled down its numbers.

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